Internship II/Hematology, Coagulation and Urinalysis
Introduction to Hematology
Hematology II
Clinical Chemistry II
Internship/Blood Banking
On-the-job training
MLT 131 Hematology I
Define the role of the Phlebotomist and Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) in the full scope of the patient and healthcare team
Apply OSHA safety standards at all times
Identify pre-analytical conditions that affect biological specimens and assess their suitability for analysis
Select, assemble and prepare venipuncture equipment when presented with a clinical situation.
Explain and perform the following techniques using common and appropriate hematology terminology for: dermal punctures, manual hematocrit, peripheral smear preparation, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), reticulocyte preparation hematology analyzer ope
Demonstrate fulfillment of quality control standards within the required deviation during operation and maintenance of hematology analyzers
Assess Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Scatterplot results for acceptability
Identify critical or abnormal values of hematology tests
Perform and document the following tasks: analyze CBCs, perform manual differentials on peripheral smears, prepare acceptable peripheral blood smears, perform manual hematocrits, perform manual ESR, perform successful venipunctures, obtain blood from fin
Define common medical and laboratory terms and abbreviations for effective communication
MLT 132 Hematology II
Perform complete blood counts including manual differentials and evaluate the results as they pertain to patient care.
Perform manual and automated hematology and hemostasis testing and evaluate the results for accuracy using quality control and quality assurance methods.
Evaluate laboratory data to predict the diagnosis, treatment, and/or prognosis of hematological and hemostasis disorders including but not limited to: anemias, leukemias, myeloproliferative disorders, and coagulation factor deficiencies.
Distinguish normal and abnormal microscopic characteristics of blood cells through analysis of peripheral blood smears.
Describe the origin and development of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets and coagulation factors.
Relate structure to physiology and function of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets and coagulation factors.
Calculate hematological indices.
Diagram the coagulation cascade, listing the coagulation factors and their relation to the intrinsic, extrinsic, and common pathways.
Perform Body fluid analysis including manual counts, calculations, differentials, and laboratory procedures for handling of body fluids
MLT 231 Clinical Microbiology
Evaluate patient specimens for acceptability for analysis.
Determine proper media, temperature, and atmospheric requirements for the growth and culture of suspected pathogens.
Distinguish between normal flora and pathogenic organisms based upon colony characteristics.
Characterize key microscopic and macroscopic features of bacterial pathogens and normal flora isolates.
Perform and interpret various staining techniques.
Compare and contrast clinical laboratory procedures, interpret data, and predict the pathogen isolated.
Perform and interpret various methods of antibiotic susceptibility to provide correct patient therapy data.
MLT 232 Parasitology/Mycology
Evaluate patient specimens for acceptability for analysis.
Correlate clinical signs and symptoms associated with disease caused by parasites and fungus.
Perform and prepare blood films, wet mounts, concentrations methods and staining techniques for parasites.
Identify and describe the morphology and the life cycle, including infective stage and diagnostic stage of parasites presented.
Describe the characteristics and structures of fungi.
Analyze the appropriate specimen collection procedures, staining methods, and culture techniques used in the mycology laboratory.
Recognize the different characteristics of fungal pathogens and diseases to aid in identification.
Demonstrate the additional microbiology safety techniques used in the mycology laboratory.
MLT 141 Immunohematology/Immunology
Evaluate patient specimens for acceptability according to labeling and specimen requirements.
Explain and apply the basic principles of immunology including altered immune responses as they relate to serology and immunohematology testing.
Identify the processing responsibility of blood bank work including the need for exact technique void of shortcuts and the recording of legible, permanent, and accurate information.
Describe the characteristics and genetics of the ABO and Rh systems and resolve ABO discrepancies.
Describe the characteristics and genetics of the additional blood group systems and discuss how to identify antibodies using techniques including but not limited to: panels of cells, adsorptions, and elutions.
Perform and analyze ABO and Rh typing, direct and indirect antiglobulin testing, and identification of antibodies.
Perform pre-transfusion and compatibility testing and evaluate for safe product dispensing.
Evaluate results of blood bank testing as they relate to potential and documented transfusion reactions.
Describe the pathophysiology and laboratory investigation of transfusion reactions, autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHA), and hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).
Perform immunohematology procedures to evaluate the possibility of HDN and AHA and propose treatment options including calculating correct RhoGAM dosage as indicated by testing.
Describe the appropriate pre-and post-transfusion testing associated with donor selection and preparation of components.
Discuss principles and procedures associated with HLA matching.
Monitor and evaluate quality control and quality assurance, maintenance, and corrective action for the blood bank laboratory.
MLT 142 Urinalysis
Explain collection of urine in regard to timing, preservatives, containers, and labels.
Describe the anatomy of the kidney and urinary tract and how these relate to the process of urine formation.
Perform a urinalysis including physical, chemical, and microscopic examination and explain the principles of the tests.
Analyze and interpret urinalysis results to detect abnormalities, assign a diagnosis, and prescribe follow up testing.
Explain the purpose of specialized renal function and metabolic disorder testing.
Describe how various body fluids are formed, collected, and analyzed and correlate laboratory results of body fluids to disease and diagnosis.
Perform and interpret testing on various body fluid tests including cerebral spinal fluids and other body fluids.
MLT 241 Clinical Chemistry I
Apply OSHA safety standards at all times
Identify pre-analytical conditions that affect chemistry specimens and assess the suitability for analysis.
Calculate problems for basic math, the metric system, and dilutions
Perform manual dilutions and calculate the resulting concentration
Analyze Levey-Jennings charts for shifts, trends or imprecision
Select and demonstrate the use of appropriate laboratory measuring devices such manual pipets, automatic pipets, beakers, flasks, and graduated cylinders
List a spectrophotometer’s major components, how to relate its readings to Beer’s Law and calculate the analyte’s concentration
Discuss basic chemical theories and clinical applications for kidney and liver function test glucose, electrolytes, enzymes, lipids and hepatitis
Identify normal and abnormal values for all chemistry tests discussed such as glucose, BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, bilirubin, total protein, albumin, cholesterol, and triglycerides
Recognize and solve technical errors for chemistry procedures performed
MLT 242 Clinical Chemistry II
Illustrate compliance with all established OSHA safety standards
Communicate using common clinical chemistry terminology relating basic chemical theories, clinical applications and disease correlations (where applicable) for: a. OSHA standards and safe practices in the clinical chemistry laboratory
b. Basic chemistry instrumentation and immunoassay methodology
c. Kidney, Liver and Thyroid functions
d. Carbohydrate metabolism
e. Biomarkers of cardiac damage and indicators of CVD
f. NPN, hormones, lipids, proteins, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus
g. Acid-base balance and blood gasses
h. Serum protein electrophoresis
i. Therapeutic drug monitoring
j. Toxicology
Prepare, analyze and appraise quality control materials and calibrators for use in clinical chemistry procedures using dilutions, serial dilutions, percent and molarity solutions, if applicable, with 100% accuracy.
Perform clinical chemical testing using a basic chemistry analyzer and measure analytes within 2 standard deviations of known quantities.
Identify reference ranges and critical values for all discussed chemistry tests and correctly evaluate patient test results in clinical situations using those reference ranges.
Evaluate chemistry test results for technical errors or abnormalities and formulate reasons for such results.
Interpret specific biochemical marker results with normal and abnormal human physiology as related to specific overall body organs, systems, functions and of patient situations in health and disease.
Actively participate in small work groups and cooperative learning teams, where each student will demonstrate professional qualities and behavior of a laboratorian as outlined in the student program guide.
MLT 180 Internship I/Blood Banking
Evaluate patient specimen acceptability for analyses and correctly identifies and dates each specimen and/or reagent.
Report patient results according to established department protocol.
Correlate patient results with patient’s condition.
Perform and interpret various laboratory procedures.
Operate clinical instruments, evaluate results, identify errors and resolve malfunctions instrumentation which includes but is not limited to: daily & weekly maintenance, routine operation, and basic result analysis.
Apply and adhere to quality control standards for all clinical laboratory testing.
Professionally communicate laboratory information to patients, physicians and other authorized sources utilizing a variety of formats.
Develop and demonstrate professional attitudes, behaviors and practice.
Display an understanding and commitment to patient confidentiality.
Adhere to OSHA safety precautions while performing laboratory duties.
MLT 182 Intern II Hematology/Coagulation and Urinalysis
Evaluate patient specimen acceptability for analyses and correctly identifies and dates each specimen and/or reagent.
Report patient results according to established department protocol.
Correlate patient results with patient’s condition.
Perform and interpret various laboratory procedures.
Operate clinical instruments, evaluate results, identify errors and resolve malfunctions instrumentation which includes but is not limited to: daily & weekly maintenance, routine operation, and basic result analysis.
Apply and adhere to quality control standards for all clinical laboratory testing.
Professionally communicate laboratory information to patients, physicians and other authorized sources utilizing a variety of formats.
Develop and demonstrate professional attitudes, behaviors and practice.
Display an understanding and commitment to patient confidentiality.
Adhere to OSHA safety precautions while performing laboratory duties.
MLT 280 Clinical Chemistry
Evaluate patient specimen acceptability for analyses and correctly identifies and dates each specimen and/or reagent.
Report patient results according to established department protocol.
Correlate patient results with patient’s condition.
Perform and interpret various laboratory procedures.
Operate clinical instruments, evaluate results, identify errors and resolve malfunctions instrumentation which includes but is not limited to: daily & weekly maintenance, routine operation, and basic result analysis.
Apply and adhere to quality control standards for all clinical laboratory testing.
Professionally communicate laboratory information to patients, physicians and other authorized sources utilizing a variety of formats.
Develop and demonstrate professional attitudes, behaviors and practice.
Display an understanding and commitment to patient confidentiality.
Adhere to OSHA safety precautions while performing laboratory duties.
MLT 282 Internship IV/ Microbiology
Evaluate patient specimen acceptability for analyses and correctly identifies and dates each specimen and/or reagent.
Report patient results according to established department protocol.
Correlate patient results with patient’s condition.
Perform and interpret various laboratory procedures.
Operate clinical instruments, evaluate results, identify errors and resolve malfunctions instrumentation which includes but is not limited to: daily & weekly maintenance, routine operation, and basic result analysis.
Apply and adhere to quality control standards for all clinical laboratory testing.
Professionally communicate laboratory information to patients, physicians and other authorized sources utilizing a variety of formats.
Develop and demonstrate professional attitudes, behaviors and practice.
Display an understanding and commitment to patient confidentiality.
Adhere to OSHA safety precautions while performing laboratory duties.
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