Youth Automotive Service Technician

ONET: 49-3023.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Associate in Applied Science, Automotive Technology
  • Burns Chevrolet of Rock Hill Internal Quality & Processes
On-the-job training
  • Safety
    • Identify shop hazards and explain the necessary steps to avoid personal injury or property damage.
    • Demonstrate the proper selection and operation of a fire extinguisher.
    • Identify personal protective equipment such as safety glasses and explain their use in an automotive shop and the importance of that use.
    • Demonstrate how to protect your hands from the hazards found in an automotive shop.
    • Describe how to properly lift a heavy object and demonstrate the process.
    • Demonstrate the safe use and proper maintenance of pneumatic and hydraulic tools including vehicle lifts.
  • Haz-Mat
    • Demonstrate the required methods to use when cleaning brake and clutch components.
    • Maintain, understand, and follow material safety data sheets (MSDS).
    • Read and interpret the appropriate MSDS for proper hazard recognition and safety precautions when handling automotive materials.
  • Tools & Equipment
    • Identify, select, and demonstrate the proper use of common hand tools used in the automotive industry.
    • Demonstrate the proper use and maintenance of power and pneumatic tools found in the Automotive Shop.
    • Identify different types of torque wrenches and demonstrate their proper usage.
    • Repair internal and external threads.
    • Use and read linear measuring devices, tape measure, ruler, and so on.
    • Know when to use measurement tools for distance, length, angle, mass, weight, pressure, volume, and/or temperature.
    • Read an English micrometer.
    • Read a metric micrometer.
    • Demonstrate how to properly set up, preload, and read a dial indicator.
    • Match the appropriate tools to measurement needs to make a measurement based on accuracy, precision, and tolerance requirements or other criteria.
    • Perform general diagnostic procedures and minor repairs.
    • Use standard shop test equipment.
    • Practice the proper diagnostic and repair procedures required on newer computerized automobiles, including scan tool and digital multi-meter operation.
    • Select, care, and use tools and equipment correctly.
    • Use service and reference manuals and guides properly.
    • Weld with portable welding machines in the field.
  • Communications
    • Use computer to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information.
    • Interpret and communicate information—select and analyze information and communicate the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multimedia methods.
    • Analyze the source of the problem or reason for a decision by clarifying and validating root causes.
    • Apply and explain the use of the OEM service manual and electronic service information as information resources in locating automotive information.
    • Use logical steps and analysis to identify relevant diagrams, details, facts, and specifications used in automotive service manuals.
    • Collect and organize information from library resources, reference books, and electronic databases.
    • Exhibit shop management and supervision skills, including shop morale, quality control and customer relations.
  • Electrical/Electronics
    • Demonstrate the proper use of a digital multimeter (DMM) during diagnosis of electrical circuit problems.
    • Identify and use automotive symbols, schematics, and diagrams.
    • Check electrical circuits with a test light; determine necessary action.
    • Check electrical circuits using fused jumper wires; determine necessary action.
    • Identify battery safety procedures.
    • Inspect, clean, fill, and replace battery.
    • Perform slow/fast battery charge.
    • Inspect and clean battery cables, connectors, clamps, and hold-downs; repair or replace as needed.
    • Start a vehicle using jumper cables and a battery or auxiliary power supply according to manufacturers recommended specifications.
    • Perform battery state-of-charge tests; determine needed service.
    • Perform battery capacity (load, high-rate discharge) test; determine needed service.
    • Performs charging system output test and determines necessary action.
    • Inspect, adjust, or replace generator (alternator) drive belts, pulleys, and tensioners; check pulley and belt alignment.
    • Perform starter current draw tests; determine necessary action.
    • Perform starter circuit voltage drop tests; determine necessary action.
    • Remove and replace/reinstall starter.
    • Repair wiring harnesses and connectors.
    • Perform solder repair of electrical wiring.
    • Inspect, replace, and aim headlights and bulbs.
    • Inspect and test sensors, connectors, and wires of electronic instrument circuits; determine necessary action.
    • Remove and reinstall door panel and instrument panel (dash) panel.
  • Brakes
    • Select, handle, store, and install brake fluids to proper level.
    • Bleed (manual, pressure, vacuum, or surge) brake system.
    • Inspect and replace wheel studs.
    • Remove and reinstall sealed wheel-bearing assembly.
    • Remove, clean, and inspect pads and remaining hardware; determine necessary action.
    • Clean, inspect, and measure rotor for run-out, parallelism, and minimum thickness using a dial indicator and a micrometer; follow manufacturer’s recommendations in determining need to machine or replace.
    • Use a dial indicator to measure total indicator runout (TIR).
    • Remove, clean (using proper safety procedures), inspect, and measure brake drums; determine necessary action.
    • Remove, clean, and inspect brake shoes, springs, pins, clips, levers, adjusters/self-adjusters, other related brake hardware, and backing support plates; lubricate and reassemble.
    • Preadjust brake shoes and parking brake before installing brake drums or drum/hub assemblies and wheel bearings.
    • Install wheel, torque lug nuts, and make final checks and adjustments.
  • Suspension & Steering
    • Inspect power steering fluid levels and condition.
    • Flush, fill, and bleed power steering system.
    • Inspect, replace, and adjust power steering pump belt.
    • Inspect and replace power steering hoses and fittings.
    • Inspect manual or power rack-and-pinion steering gear, tie rod ends and bellows boots.
    • Inspect, replace, and adjust tie rod ends (Sockets), tie rod sleeves, and clamps.
    • Lubricate suspension and steering systems.
    • Inspect, remove, and replace shock absorbers.
    • Remove, inspect, and install strut cartridge or assembly, strut coil spring, insulators (silencers), and upper strut bearing mount.
    • Remove, inspect, and service or replace front and rear wheel bearings.
    • Inspect tires; check and adjust air pressure.
    • Rotate tires according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Dismount, inspect, repair, and remount tire on wheel.
    • Reinstall wheel; torque lug nuts.
    • Inspect and repair a tire.
    • Balance wheel and tire assembly (static and dynamic).
  • Engine Performance
    • Perform oil and filter change.
    • Inspect and test mechanical and electrical fuel pumps and pump control systems for pressure, regulation and volume; perform necessary action.
    • Replace fuel filters.
    • Inspect throttle body, air induction system, intake manifold and gaskets for vacuum leaks and/or unmetered air.
    • Check idle speed and fuel mixture.
    • Perform cooling system pressure tests; check coolant condition; inspect and test radiator, pressure cap, coolant recovery tank, and hoses; perform necessary action.
    • Remove and replace thermostat.
    • Inspect and test positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) filter/breather cap, valve, tubes, orifices, and hoses; perform necessary action.
    • Retrieve and record active and stored OBD I and OBD II diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) and clear codes.
    • Inspect and test ignition system secondary circuit wiring and components; replace as needed.
    • Check and adjust (where applicable) ignition system timing and timing advance/retard.
    • Determine coolant condition; drain and recover.
    • Flush system and refill with recommended coolant; bleed system.
  • Heating/AC
    • Remove and replace radiator.
    • Inspect, test, remove, and replace water pump.
    • Performance test A/C system; diagnose A/C system malfunctions using principles of refrigeration.
    • Inspect A/C compressor drive belts; replace and adjust as needed.
    • Inspect, test, and replace A/C compressor clutch components or assembly.
    • Check operation of automatic and semi-automatic heating control valves; determine necessary action.
    • Construct, operate, diagnosis, and repair automotive ventilation, heating, and air conditioning systems.
    • Employ special tools, equipment, and safety procedures.
  • Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
    • Service transmission; perform visual inspection; replace fluids and filters.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of power flow and hydraulics, including torque converter operation.
  • Manual Drive Train & Rear Axles
    • Inspect and flush differential housing and refill with correct lubricant.
    • Inspect clutch pedal linkage, cables, automatic adjuster mechanisms, brackets, bushings, pivots, and springs; perform necessary action.
    • Inspect, adjust, repair, or replace hydraulic clutch slave and master cylinders, lines, and hoses.
    • Inspect release (throw-out) bearing, lever, and pivot; determine necessary action.
    • Inspect and reinstall speedometer drive gear, driven gear, vehicle speed sensor (VSS), and retainers.
    • Inspect, service, and replace shafts, yokes, boots, and CV joints.
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