Use forklift, cranes, boom truck for dry storage, rack operation, on/off loading, storage of boats on land. Rigging of travel lift and crane for hoisting op's
Engine Cooling Systems
Maintain/repair parts and function. Troubleshoot problems.
Thru-hull Plumbing
Fit thru-hull to pipes, hoses or valves to allow the water to pass in or out of the vessel. Install transducers / fabricate backing blocks.
Off-season storage
Prepare outboards/inboards & I/O's for winter storage
Plumbing Systems & Winterizing, HVAC
Winterize potable water and waste systems
Shrink Wrap & Framing
Apply different techniques that ensure safety and durability
Batteries, Chargers, Inverters (Charging Systems)
Deliver proper service of marine batteries-deep cycle, starting and combination batteries. Alternative charging systems, solar, wind.
Install and troubleshoot general knowledge, rebuilding and shimming gear lash. Perform maintenance of O/Ds and transom assemblies. Zincs, Gear ratios, propeller sizing
Electronic Operating Systems & Controls
Basic electrical/5 volt reference/cable routing/back up systems/installation of systems.
Basic Electricity & Accessories
Color code electrical accessories
Outboard Engines
Provide basic outboard service such as: 2C/4C, rigging control cables and props, trim, tilt adjustments, injectors, carbs, fuel system and plumbing
Diagnose, repair and replace power heads, valve clearances, timing belts.
Perform oil injection operation and overview.
Install parts, drilling through hulls and corrosion, bonding. Trouble shoot common maintenance problems.
Inboard Engines - Gasoline
Understand function and identify parts :gasoline, engine safety. fuel tank, plumbing
Operate and perform service/repair
Inboard Engines - Diesel
Perform basic maintenance and service. Seawater pumps/coolers /aftercoolers. Fuel systems/plumbing and filters. Trouble shooting common maintenance issues, overheating & fuel.
Running Gear & Propellers
Proper cleaning of running gear+propellers/application of anti-foulant/check+correct alignment/check basic propeller balance/proper removal and replacement procedures Vibration causes and resolutions
Safety shut down/principles of magnetic induction/basic troubleshooting/understanding hertz as it pertains to cycles
Ignition & Charging Systems
Test, repair and service parts & systems. Troubleshoot problems.
Fuel Systems, Carburetors & E.F.I
Test, repair and service parts, pumps, carburetor circuits, EFI systems
Hydraulic Systems
Test, repair and service outboard & sterndrive systems ID, electrical trim cylinder rebuilds
Hull Prep, Repair & Bottom Painting
Perform basic, wood, fiberglass, metal repair and painting, basic prep for finish painting and basic assessment of wood, fiberglass, metal damage. Prepare boat for launching.
Commissioning & De-commissioning
Engine startups/water flow/coolant systems testing procedures/tune-ups/hoses+clamps/Proper anti-freeze techniques and testing/basic boat requirements needed for winter storage and commissioning
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