PSCN 5 Intro to Social work and Human Services or course equivalent
ENGL 1 Critical Reading and Composition or equivalent
PSY 1 General Psychology or course equivalent
SOCI 1 Intro to Sociology or course equivalent
PSY 5 Intro Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences or course equivalent
PSCN 95 Social Work and Human Services Fieldwork or course equivalent
PSCN 96 Social Work and Human Services Seminar or course equivalent
Work Experience (Fall and Spring)
PSCN 11 Interpersonal Relations or PSCN 12 Self-Esteem for Sucess or course equivalent
COMM 1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
PSCN 4 Multi-cultural communication or PSCN 13 Multi-cultural issues in contemporary America or PSY 3 Social Psychology
ENGL 7A Critical Thinking/Writing Across Disciplines or course equivalent
PSCN 2 Introduction to Case Management for Human Services
ES 1 Intro to Ethnic Studies or course equivalent
BIOS 1 Intro to the Science of Biology or BIO 41 Biology for Health Sciences
ECN 1 Principles of Microeconomics or ECN 2 Principles of Macroeconomics
CSU GE Area E (recommend ECD 56)
On-the-job training
Demonstrate knowledge of systems of care and multidisciplinary collaboration.
Identify relevant system of care partners.
Demonstrate use of multidisciplinary collaboration skills when interacting with other professionals to assess client needs or plan treatments.
Maintain ethical considerations in social services.
Demonstrate knowledge of relevant social services ethics codes.
Describe the importance of confidentiality, informed consent, and mandated reporting.
Maintain appropriate boundaries in relationships with youth, young adults, and their families, natural supports, and other care team members.
Demonstrate knowledge of trauma-responsive and culturally responsive care.
Identify and implement the elements of trauma-responsive care.
Attend to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion when engaged in support service activities.
Engage in self-reflection to increase awareness and mitigate the effects of personal biases and assumptions.
Describe the importance of identity and cultural considerations when interacting with youth, young adults, and their families, natural supports, and other care team members.
Engage client family members, community resources, or other natural supports in service planning and delivery.
Integrate peer supports and voices of lived expertise into services.
Build effective care relationships.
Develop initial rapport with youth, young adults, and their families, natural supports, and other care team members.
Demonstrate trust and respect in interactions with youth, young adults, and their families, natural supports, and other care team members.
Conduct assessments to clarify strengths and needs.
Conduct psychosocial interviews to clarify client strengths and needs.
Conduct interviews to gather information about client's background and history, including family history, developmental history, social history, educational/employment history, mental health history, medical history, substance use history, history of involvement with the child welfare system, history of involvement with the legal system.
Demonstrate knowledge of basic mental health symptomatology and other indicators of distress.
Engage in care planning.
Utilize client strengths and needs to inform and develop care plans.
Utilize client strengths and needs to inform appropriate interventions.
Implement social services intervention strategies.
Visit clients in their home or in the community to provide information on agency services, requirements, or procedures.
Explain rules and regulations relevant to service access and service participation, including related benefits and risks.
Provide psychoeducation and coaching related to daily living and self-care skills (e.g., hygiene, laundry and cleaning, budgeting), social skills (e.g., communication, conflict resolution), and coping strategies (e.g., deep breathing, stop-think-choose, taking a break/taking space).
Accompany clients to appointments and other community activities to provide support and coaching related to use and practice of daily living, self-care, social, and coping skills.
Advise clients on relevant public health information or initiatives.
Engage with clients' collateral contacts (e.g., families, natural supports, care team members) to assist in meeting client needs.
Demonstrate use of crisis de-escalation skills.
Work collaboratively with clients, families, natural supports, and care team members to engage in discharge and transition planning.
Refer clients to social services and community resources.
Provide referral, linkage, and support access to available resources and supports (e.g., basic needs resources, physical and mental health resources, substance abuse services, domestic violence services, employment support, rent and utility assistance, legal assistance, services for persons with disabilities, etc.).
Assist clients with obtaining vital documents (e.g., identification card, birth certificate, etc.) necessary to access available resources and supports.
Assist clients with preparation and completion of relevant forms (e.g., applications, questionnaires, surveys, etc.) to access available resources and supports.
Engage in community outreach efforts.
Participate in community events to increase knowledge and understanding of local needs and resources.
Participate in community events to increase public awareness of and access to social services resources.
Maintain social services documentation.
Keep records or prepare reports regarding interactions with or on behalf of clients, including documentation of visits, interviews, goals, service plans, and interventions.
Submit relevant documentation to supervisor for review, approval, and feedback.
Engage in reflective practice to promote ongoing learning and development.
Attend and actively participate in regularly scheduled supervision.
Actively utilize supervisor feedback to improve professional development and service delivery.
Utilize supervision to explore strategies for overcoming barriers and navigating challenges in service delivery.
Engage in self-reflection to monitor and mitigate personal reactions to on-the-job learning, including compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma.
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