Tool Maker Technician

ONET: 51-4111.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Blueprint Reading
  • Intro to Computers
  • Circuit Analysis I
  • Writing and Inquiry
  • Precalculus Algebra OR Algebra/Trigonometry I
  • CAD I
  • Motors and Controls OR Advanced Motor and Controls
  • Industrial Electronics
  • Writing/Research in the Disciplines OR Professional Research and Reporting OR Literature-Based Research OR Public Speaking
  • Mechanisms
  • Intro to Automation
  • Industrial Safety
  • Engineering Materials
  • Physics - Mechanics OR College Physics I
  • Instrumentation
  • Intro to PLC
  • Hydraulics/Pneumatics
  • Intro to Engineering Technology
  • Precalculus Trigonometry OR Algebra/Trigonometry II
  • Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
  • Social Behavioral Science Elective
  • Program Electives
  • Design Project
  • World of Work OR Career Ready/Explore/Employ
  • General Occupational Technology
  • Statics
  • Strength of Materials
  • Metrology
  • Blueprint Reading/Mach I
  • Machining Applications II
On-the-job training
  • Safety in the Workplace
    • How to safely operate and maneuver in a machine shop, production floor, and industrial environment
    • Lock-Out Tag-Out (LOTO)
  • Blueprint Reading
    • Mechanical- Ability to read and interpret engineering drawings, blueprints, and other instructions to determine operational methods, tolerancing, and sequencing
    • Be fluent with conversion between the English and Metric measurement systems
  • Bench Work and Measurement
    • Hand tools- Operate basic hand tools in a machine shop environment
    • Basic Welding and Brazing- Set up and operate metalworking, brazing, welding, and cutting equipment
    • Heat Treating- set up, operate, and verify heat treating parameters for different types of materials
    • 2D and 3D Drafting- interpret and convert drawings/models into work instructions, both written and verbal
    • Hand filing- use precise movements and techniques to remove fine amounts of material from workpieces using hand files and stones
    • Layout- Interpret 2D drawings and translate into centerline locations, tangent edges, and other measurement features to aid in machining operations and dimensional metrology of existing features
  • Manual Metrology
    • Height Gage- Use as an aid in both layout and dimensional metrology to determine compliance to specifications or engineering drawings
    • Calipers, Micrometers (inside, outside, depth, tri-mics, flute mics, etc) - Measure various aspects of tooling, manufactured components, or intrinsic elements of related equipment to determine compliance to specifications or engineering drawings
    • Indicators and Gages- Use as an aid both in-situ and post processes to measure various aspects of tooling, manufactured components, or intrinsic elements of related equipment to determine compliance to specifications or engineering drawings
    • Toolmaker Microscope- Measure various aspects of tooling, manufactured components, or intrinsic elements of related equipment to determine compliance to specifications or engineering drawings using appropriate optical zoom and dimensional metrology techniques
  • Automated Metrology
    • CMMs- Operate and measure various aspects of tooling or intrinsic elements of related equipment to determine dimensional compliance to related instruction, specifications, or engineering drawings
    • Confocals- Operate and measure various aspects such as form, waviness, and surface roughness of tooling or intrinsic elements of related equipment to determine compliance to related instruction, specifications, or engineering drawings
  • Machining
    • Speeds and Feeds- Using available materials (both written and online), determine the correct speeds and feeds for different machining operations Following the calculation, operate metal working machinery using correct speeds and feeds to achieve desired surface finishes on tooling or instrinsic elements of related equipment
    • Sawing- Cut materials such as plastics, metals, and ceramics in preparation for fabrication or processing
    • Drilling- Machine parts to specifications using correct speeds and feeds and machine tool setups
    • Turning- Set up, operate, and machine parts to specifications (both dimensional and surface finish) using correct speeds and feeds, tooling types, and machine tool setups
    • Milling- Set up, operate, and machine parts to specifications (both dimensional and surface finish) using correct speeds and feeds, tooling types, and machine tool setups
    • Grinding- Set up, operate, and grind parts to specifications (both dimensional and surface finish) using correct speeds and feeds, wheel / pin types, and machine tool setups
    • Introduction to sinker and wire EDM- Understanding of the process, requirements, and limitations of the EDM process (dimensional, surface finish, material requirements, etc)
    • Intro to Single Point Diamond Turning- Understanding of the process, requirements, and limitations of the SPDT process (dimensional, surface finish, material types, etc)
    • Jigs / Fixtures- Ability to design, build, and test jigs and fixture to aid in the assembly of machine tools, parts, or subsequent fixtures
  • Polishing
    • Sandpapers / Films- use of manual and automated polishing equipment to achieve surfaces with a high luster and smooth surface to meet dimensional requirements of the molded part
    • Stones- use of manual and automated polishing equipment to remove recast layers from EDM, draw polish for ejection, burr removal to aid in removal of drag marks, and to improve the surface finish of molded features in mold components to meet the dimensional requirements of the molded part
    • Diamond Paste- use of manual and automated polishing equipment to achieve surfaces with a high luster and smooth surface to meet dimensional requirements of the molded part
  • Harassment training
    • Discourage harassment
    • Allow victims to report abuse
    • Prevent retaliation by abusers
    • Ensure swift resolution of complaints
    • Promote a harassment-free work culture
  • Injection Molding
    • Data / measurement interpretation- Ability to accurately interpret measurement results and other available data to determine next step iterations in achieving tooling that is capable of running production for sustained periods of time
    • Mold Assembly- Ability to completely assemble a thermoplastic or thermoset mold using latest revision mold components and documented assembly techniques and procedures to achieve a fully assembled mold that is capable of running production for sustained periods of time with parts that meet quality control standards
    • Mold Installation- Ability to install thermoplastic or thermoset molds into their appropriate molding machine and correct verify peripheral equipment selection and operation for production operations
    • Mold Processing- Ability to perform initial process set up, documentation, and verify process parameters to achive desired part quality (both dimensional and visual)
    • Plastic Troubleshooting- Experience in documentation and changing process parameters based on troubleshooting issues (both dimensional and visual) outlined by operators and technicians
    • Plastic materials- Understanding of different types of thermoset and thermoplastic materials and their appropriate processing parameters
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