Understanding and Working with Parkinson’s Clients
Understanding and Working with Geriatric Clients
Fall Prevention, Wandering, and Elopement
Understanding and Working with Hospice Clients
Understanding and Working with IDD Clients
Understanding and Working with Diabetes Clients
Understanding and Working with Behavioral Health Clients
Proper Use of Equipment
Personal Care Skills
Understanding and Working with Parkinson's Clients
Provide Assistance with Independence, Mobility, and Therapeutic Activities
Home Health Aide Supplemental Skills
Employee Wellness
Caring for Cognitively Impaired Clients, including the following: Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Role of the HHA in Caring for Cognitively Impaired Clients, Demonstrate Effective Communication & Interaction with Cognitively Impaired Clien
Psychoactive Medications and Side Effects
Observation, Documentation, and Communication
Role of the Home Health Aide
Client Rights and Confidentiality
Understanding Body Systems
Disease and Condition Management
Compliance and Safety; Recognize/Respond to Emergencies According to Emergency Procedures; and Infection Control
Health Related Tasks
On-the-job training
Role of the Home Health Aide
Demonstrate HHA professionalism in appropriate dress, punctuality, and performance in accordance with agency policies and HHA roles
Client Rights and Confidentiality
Demonstrate ways of protecting client’s privacy
Respect the confidentiality of client information and agency confidentiality guidelines
Recognize causes and types of abuse, appropriate response and reporting requirements
Notify supervisor promptly in relation to client’s needs, concerns and/or problems encountered
Provide report to designated staff according to procedure
Personal Care Skills
Assist clients with bathing according to client preference and plan of care
Provide clients with bed baths according to proper procedure when indicated
Shampoo clients’ hair in bed when indicated
Assist clients with oral hygiene and care according to individual needs and plan of care
Shave clients using proper procedure (facial hair only) with electric shaver
Turn clients in bed according to proper procedure
Assist clients with eating
Assist clients with dressing
Assist clients with the use of elastic support stockings
Make an occupied and unoccupied bed
Assist clients with toileting needs including demonstrating proper use of bedpan, urinals and/or commode (and use of adult diaper or incontinence products as needed)
Provide pericare as indicated in plan of care
Assist clients with use of condom catheters and daily catheter care
Use proper technique and use of lift equipment (transfer technique)
Clean and ensure appropriate function and care of non-medical appliances such as glasses, hearing aids, prostheses and assist with application as indicated by plan of care
Health Related Tasks
Observe, record, report and document client status/changes and care/services furnished and provide information to the supervisor according to policy
Accurately measure and record temperature and blood pressure
Collect routine urine and stool specimens according to proper procedures
Prepare and assist clients with complex modified diets
Assist clients with prescribed exercise programs, including walking, standing
Assist with the use of prescribed medical equipment, supplies and devices
Assist with special skin care to prevent ulcers; observe, record and report skin conditions including signs and symptoms of sepsis
Assist clients with ileostomy, colostomy, gastrostomy and tracheostomy care by cleaning
Assist with meal planning, food preparation and serving, food shopping, storage and handling
Assist with the preparation of simple modified diets
Assist clients with care of the home and personal belongings
Assist clients with self-administration of medicine as allowed by law
Recognize pain in client; report client pain to supervisor per policy
Assist with nutrition and fluid intake, measure and record when indicated on plan of care
Assist and encourage clients to consume nutritional supplements/snacks as indicated on plan of care
Infection Control Procedures
Use proper hand washing procedures
Implement standard precautions as indicated
Safety and Recognize/Respond to Emergencies According to Emergency Procedure
Maintain clean, safe and healthy environment; assist with assessing home for possible hazards and fix
Use proper body mechanics at all times and incorporate safe transfer techniques
Assist in motion and positioning of client in transfer and ambulation
Comply with plan of care procedures in case of emergencies in the home
Assist in checking equipment before use and notify supervisor of any problems identified
Understanding the Needs of Various Groups of Clients and Ways to Work with Them
Follow the plan of care for the special needs of physically disabled clients and report any needed changes to the plan
Follow the plan of care for the special needs of the aging clients and report any needed changes to the plan
Follow the plan of care for the special needs of clients who are dying, assist their families, and report any needed changes to the plan
Follow the plan of care for the special needs of clients who are cognitively impaired or mentally ill, and report any needed changes to the plan
Proper Use of Equipment
Properly assist client in and out of a wheelchair and properly open and close a wheelchair
Properly transfer client using slide board
Properly place gait belt around client to provide assistance when standing, walking, and transferring
Provide stand by assistance for client when using a rollator
Role of the HHA in Caring for Cognitively Impaired Clients
Use care plan for interventions and report interventions and their result to the supervisor and family
Monitor and document episodes of targeted behaviors and/or new behaviors
Recognize signs of stress and strategies for coping within self, other caregivers, and family members
Demonstrate Effective Communication & Interaction with Cognitively Impaired Clients and their Families
Redirect a client
Use validation therapy, communicating with people who have dementia in a way that acknowledges their words and actions with respect and empathy
Verbalize and demonstrate various approaches for a client who is resisting personal care that will maintain dignity and respect
Use appropriate interventions for client who is yelling or screaming
Use ongoing communication with significant others
Use coaching techniques to help other caregivers and family members cope with the dementia process
Provide Assistance with Independence, Mobility, and Therapeutic Activities
Assist with activities/exercises to maintain joint function for the cognitively impaired client
Implement care strategies that encourage independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) while minimizing increasing client anxiety, respect the client’s dignity and desire for control
Assist with activities appropriate for early, middle, and late states of dementia
Use activities to de-escalate a client who is anxious
Use Nutritional Interventions to Enhance Nutritional Well Being
Adapt meal preparation to maximize nutritional intake (i.e., offering small servings, finger foods, introducing foods one at a time, frequency meals, snacks, and fluids that are acceptable to cognitively impaired clients)
Explain modifications needed to maintain nutritional status to the client and supervisor
Psychoactive Medications and Side Effects
Describe basic features of psychoactive medications and their side effects to the client and supervisor
Observe, record and report side effects
Maintain a Safe Environment for Cognitively Impaired
Maintain a safe environment for wandering clients
Maintain safety from potential toxic substances that the confused client may attempt to ingest
Implement interventions to minimize environmental stimuli that may increase a confused client’s agitation, (i.e., noise levels, large groups, television, and radio)
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