Attends to contractor's production schedule by reading and responding to GANNT Chart.
Calculates: cable lengths, quantities, accessories, dimensions by interpreting contact drawings
Clarifies project scope, as needed, by conferring with CMC Sales associate.
Clears up discrepancies by verifying amounts needed for job completion with Estimating department.
Creates RFI by using Contract Management software.
Demonstrates knowledge and structure of the English language, including: the meaning and spelling of words, Rules of composition and grammar, when constructing official and/or unofficial correspondence (e.g.: emails, letters, etc.).
Calculations and Detailing
Demonstrates knowledge of design techniques by using tools and principles involved in production of precision technical plans: blueprints, drawings, models.
Determines what PT accessories (e.g.: bar supports) are needed and how much to order by calculating numbers of pieces or linear footage for project completion.
Enables review of project statistics (projected vs. actual) by sending final take-off report to stakeholders.
Gives project to print room by generating and attaching PDF to email with list of general information.
Interprets opportunities for cost efficiencies by identifying most economical ways of producing project (e.g.: placement of rebar to meet project specs and saving CMC money; drop-shipping materials where/when necessary.)
Introduces self to contractor/customer by sharing contact information (confirms tentative dates).
Investigates customer concerns about shipments by visiting contractor's construction site and making visual inspections of supplies shipped.
Investigates customer's concern about lack of product being shipped by looking at the shop floor for the product, verifying in database, and then responding with information.
Itemizes all required project materials (take-off) by producing "Bar Lists" using internal software.
Maintains all customer contact information (e.g.: emails, cell phone numbers, company website, etc.) for future reference.
Maintains records of all contacts with contractor for future reference by storing information and documents in digital and/or original formats.
Make corrections to returned approvals by responding to contractor/engineer's comments.
Manages responses to project incidents by effectively and constantly prioritizing workload (multi-tasks) and managing time.
Manages time by utilizing time management techniques to coordinate submittal of drawings with all stakeholders (e.g.: submitting transmittals by C.O.B. Monday to ensure a Wednesday delivery.)
Organizes and protects documents by storing them in designated place (e.g.: file, bin; etc.).
Produces detailed spatial drawings for fabrication by utilizing AutoCAD
Reacts to project revisions by using a sense of urgency upon receiving information from contractor via phone or email.
Requests any missing information from contract drawings by submitting a Request For Information. (RFI)
Responds to customer's requests for changing the approved contract by producing Extra to Contract Cost report and submitting to the contractor for additional funds.
Responds to shop requests (e.g.: bar bend dimensions) for additional information/clarification by providing sketch of bar bend.
Resubmits corrections from return of approvals by including data in new PDF attachment.
Reviews best path forward in response to project details by researching appropriate manuals (e.g.: PTI or Dept. Manual).
Project Management
Schedules delivery date for project materials (e.g.: cables, accessories, etc.) by working with CMC
Signs on to PC by using log-in and password.
Tracks project status by recording all data in Contract Management software.
Transmits project to customer for approval by converting drawings to PDF format and generates a transmittal Contract Management.
Troubleshoots customer's product delivery concerns by visiting job site and examining tags, as well as the shipment.
Verifies required pot-tension dimensions needed for project components by using calculator to mathematically determine: Square footage, Percentages, Decimal measurements.
Works safely to prevent on-the-job injuries by following acceptable safety work standards and company safety policies on the job, in production plants and job site environments.
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