Digging The Hole - Can describe considerations to evaluate when preparing to dig a hole for a utility pole
Digging The Hole - Can calculate adequate hole diameter in typical soil conditions and what kind of digging equipment can be used
Pole Setting Using A Derrick - Can demonstrate approved procedures for lifting and setting a utility pole in an open, unobstructed area, using a digger derrick
Pole Setting Using A Derrick - Can demonstrate approved procedures for lifting and setting a utility pole around obstacles and energized lines using a digger derrick
Manual Pole Setting - Can demonstrate approved procedures for manually setting a utility pole in an open, unobstructed area, manually
Manual Pole Setting - Can demonstrate approved procedures for manually setting a utility pole around obstacles and energized, manually
Manual Pole Removal - Can demonstrate how an old pole may be safely removed after a replacement pole has been installed and the energized lines have been transferred
Manual Pole Setting & Using Pikes - Can demonstrate how a utility pole can be set by lifting and supporting it with pikes
Manual Pole Replacement - Describe how a replacement utility pole can be set in the same hole as the pole it is replacing by using the \
T&D Systems Overview - Can describe major components of a T&D System
Power Plants and Electrical Principles - Can define the terms voltage, current, resistance and power satisfactorily
Switch Yards - Can describe the major components of a typical switchyard satisfactorily
Transmission Lines - Can describe the components of a typical transmission system and Identify typical transmission structures satisfactorily
Substations - Can describe the major components of a typical substation satisfactorily
Distribution - Can describe the major components of a typical distribution system satisfactorily
Introduction - Can describe the components that make up a typical transmission line.
Conductors - Can describe the basic characteristics of solid, stranded and bundled conductors
Conductors - Can describe the components that make up a typical transmission line.
Insulators - Can identify the types of insulators commonly used on transmission lines and describe their typical mounting positions
Structures - Can explain three basic classifications of structures used on transmission lines
Construction - Can describe the key tasks typically performed in constructing a transmission line and explain the basic process for stringing conductors
Introduction - Can describe the components that make up a typical Distribution System.
Transformers - Can describe the basic parts of a typical transformer and how one works
Transformers - Can identify a pole top transformer, pad-mounted transformer and subsurface transformer and explain the differences
Voltage Regulators and Capacitors - Can describe typical pole-top voltage regulators and capacitors and explain their basic functions.
Voltage Regulators and Capacitors - Can explain the basic safety hazard associated with capacitors.
Distribution Lines and Layouts - Can explain how electricity flows from substations to the consumer
Distribution Lines and Layouts - Can describe three classifications of distribution lines and the voltages associated with each
Protective Devices: Part 1 - Can explain how circuit breakers and fuses are used in a coordinated protective system to protect feeders and laterals from the effects of fault
Protective Devices: Part 2 - Explain how reclosers and sectionalizers provide coordinated protection for a distribution system
Protective Devices: Part 2 - Explain how sectionalizing can be accomplished using reclosers and sectionalizers
Introduction to Substations & Switchyards - Can describe the functions of both a substation and a switchyard satisfactorily
Substations: Basic Equipment - Can identify and describe the functions of basic equipment found in a typical substation
Substations: Protective Equipment - Can recognize and identify design features and protective equipment typically used in substations
Substations: Regulation Equipment - Describe the functions of regulation equipment found in substations
Substations: Monitoring & Communication Equipment - Can identify and describe the basic functions of monitoring and communication equipment typically found in substations
Switchyards - Can identify and describe basic equipment typically found in switchyards
Pole Climbing Equipment - Can measure and adjust climbing equipment to ensure proper fit
Use, Maintenance, and Inspection of Climbing Equipment - Can inspect, put on, and adjust climbing equipment
Use, Maintenance, and Inspection of Climbing Equipment - Can demonstrate approved procedures for sharpening, testing, and gauging gaffs
Basic Climbing Techniques, Part 1 - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for ascending and descending a pole
Basic Climbing Techniques, Part 2 - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for ascending and descending a pole using a safety strap
Basic Climbing Techniques, Part 3 - Can demonstrate approved procedures for safetying-on and off a pole
Basic Climbing Techniques, Part 3 - Can demonstrate approved procedures for adjusting the length of the safety strap while in position on a pole
Basic Climbing Techniques, Part 3 - Can maneuver around a pole
Job Hazards - Can describe primary hazards associated with transmission and distribution work
Protective Equipment (PPE) - Can describe basic clothing and personal safety equipment used in transmission and distribution work and how each item protects
Protective Equipment (PPE) - Can describe personal rubber PPE and approved procedures in inspecting, wearing and storing
Protective Equipment (PPE) - Can describe hot line cover gear, how to inspect it and how to properly install it, by hand and using a hot stick®
Safe Work Practices - Can demonstrate approved procedures for performing a pre-use inspection on a bucket truck
Safe Work Practices - Can describe how a tailgate or pre-job meeting is used to plan a job and communicate safety issues
Safe Work Practices - Can describe how to secure a work area and establish a plan for safe traffic control
Overhead Line Maintenance - Can demonstrate approved procedures in testing a pole before climbing it
Overhead Line Maintenance - Can demonstrate approved procedures used to inspect climbing gear before using
Overhead Line Maintenance - Can demonstrate approved techniques for safely ascending and descending a wooden pole
Overhead Line Maintenance - Can demonstrate approved procedures for installing hot line cover gear from a pole position
Underground Line Maintenance - Can demonstrate how to inspect a manhole, how to test the atmosphere under a manhole cover and how to inspect a pad-mounted transformer
Introduction To Electrical Safety - Can describe general safety practices that apply to most high-voltage electrical jobs
Protective Devices - Can identify fuses, circuit breakers and reclosers
Switching and Tagging - Can positively identify a no-load disconnect
Switching and Tagging - Can positively identify a load break disconnect
Switching and Tagging - Can identify lockout/tagout equipment
Testing - Can identify test equipment used to verify that a circuit is actually de-energized
Protective Grounding - Can identify protective grounds used on de-energized circuits
Digger Derricks - Can identify and describe the major working parts of a typical digger derrick
Digger Derricks - Can identify and describe the function of the controls of a typical digger derrick
Digger Derricks - Can describe the personnel and equipment safety considerations when operating a digger derrick
Digger Derricks - Can read a lift capacity chart and boom angle indicator
Digger Derrick Operation - Can describe the factors to be considered when positioning a digger derrick truck at a job site
Digger Derrick Operation - Can demonstrate how a digger derrick is safely set up, in preparation for digging a hole
Digger Derrick Operation - Can demonstrate how to use a digger derrick to safely install a utility pole
Hazards and Safety Practices - Can describe the typical safety hazards that may be found in substations and switchyards and the PPE that is used
Electrical Safety - Can describe electrical hazards that may exist in substations and switchyards and minimum safe working distances allowed with each hazard
Electrical Safety - Can demonstrate approved procedures for making equipment electrically safe to work on including approved tagging practices
Chemical Safety - Can describe approved safety precautions and practices when around insulating (SF6) gas and sealing (nitrogen) gas
Chemical Safety - Can identify typical chemical hazards that may be found in substations and switchyards
Chemical Safety - Can describe approved safety precautions and practices when around insulating oil, whether PCB-free or PCB-contaminated
Chemical Safety - Can describe approved safety precautions and practices when around battery banks
Personal Safety - Can describe personal hazards associated with substation and switchyard work
Personal Safety - Can demonstrate approved practices for clean-up, lifting loads correctly and using support devices properly
Dangers and Accidents - Can demonstrate approved emergency procedures for accidents
Personal Safety - Can identify and describe the types of clothing and protective equipment required for transmission line work
Personal Safety - Can demonstrate how injuries can be avoided while loads are lifted and moved
Electrical Safety - Can define the following terms: energized, isolated, and de-energized
Electrical Safety - Can describe electrical hazards present in transmission line work and explain why they may be dangerous
Electrical Safety - Can demonstrate an approved procedure for safely grounding an isolated transmission line
Work Site Safety - Can describe general safety procedures that apply to most jobs and explain steps that can be taken to ensure safety when a job involves climbing transmission structures
Grounding - Can define the terms "energized," "isolated," and "de-energized" with respect to overhead line work and describe ways in which an isolated or de-energized line can become energized
Grounding - Can demonstrate a typical procedure used to ground an isolated overhead line
Equipotential Grounding - Using Ohm's law can describe current flow in a de-energized overhead line during a ground fault condition
Equipotential Grounding - Can define the term "zone of equipotential" and demonstrate a method that can be used to establish a zone of equipotential
Equipotential Grounding Connections - Can demonstrate how grounding equipment can be used to create a zone of equipotential on a three-phase overhead line
Use, Maintenance, and Inspection of Climbing Equipment - Can demonstrate approved procedures for sharpening, testing, and gauging gaffs
3rd Class Lineworker
Where Does Electricity Come From? - Can state the three characteristics of electrical charges and list six major sources of electricity
Basic Electrical Quantities - Can explain what current, voltage and resistance are
Basic Electrical Quantities - Can state the equation for Ohms Law
Series and Parallel Circuits - Can describe the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit.
Electromagnetism - Can describe the effect of a changing magnetic field on a conductor
Inductance and Inductors - Can describe the characteristics of inductance
Capacitance and Capacitors - Can explain the hazards associated with capacitors
Alternating Current - Can explain the differences between direct current and alternating current
Inductance - Can explain what current, voltage and resistance are
Inductance - Can differentiate between in-phase and out-of-phase current flow
Capacitance - Can describe the effects of capacitance on current and voltage
AC Power - Can differentiate among true power, reactive power and apparent power
Single Phase and Three-Phase Systems - Can describe the difference between single-phase and three-phase AC systems
Manual Hand Tools, Part 1 - Can describe the general uses on the job for knives, hand saws.wire or bolt cutters, and a brace and bit
Manual Hand Tools, Part 2 - Can describe the general uses on the job for wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, compression tools, and digging tools and demonstrate how to safely use a manual compression tool to crimp a connector onto a cable
Power Hand Tools - Can recite approved safety practices when handling power hand tools
Power Hand Tools - Can demonstrate approved procedures for safely installing and using a portable capstan
Powder-Actuated Tools - Can describe the basic parts of a typical powder-actuated tool and demonstrate approved safety practices when making a typical tap connection
Introduction to Rigging - Can describe rigging as it pertains to linework and can explain the three elements of safe rigging practices, satisfactorily
Fiber Rope - Can describe the classifications of fiber rope used in overhead rigging and how to determine the safe working load of a specific type of fiber rope
Knots and Knot Tying - Can demonstrate how to coil a rope and secure it for storage
Knots and Knot Tying - Can demonstrate the proper way to tie the following knots
Handlines - Can describe the purpose of a handline and demonstrate the installation and use of a handline
Block and Tackle - Can describe a typical block and tackle arrangement and how it is used
Block and Tackle - Can demonstrate the use of a typical block and tackle rigging arrangement to lift a transformer into place on a wooden pole
Rigging on the Job - Can demonstrate how to rig to lift a transformer with a block & tackle
Introduction to Bucket Trucks - Can properly assess work surface and traffic hazards
Bucket Truck Placement, Part 1 - Can establish a safe work zone around the work site and set-up the appropriate traffic control measures
Bucket Truck Placement, Part 1 - Can position a bucket truck and secure a work site on a divided highway
Bucket Truck Placement, Part 1 - Can demonstrate proper handling of boom to avoid traffic
Bucket Truck Operations, Part 1 - Can identify, inspect and use safety equipment required when operating a bucket truck around energized lines
Bucket Truck Operations, Part 1 - Can safely maneuver bucket and boom
Bucket Truck Operations, Part 1 - Can demonstrate proper positioning of bucket relative to the work location that provides a secure and safe position
Introduction - Can describe in general terms how system grounds, arresters, and fuses protect a typical T & D system
Introduction - Can describe three types of monitoring and control equipment used in typical T&D systems
System Grounds - Can describe factors that affect the resistance of earth to current flow and one method for installing a ground rod
System Grounds - Can describe how substations, distribution systems, and transmission systems are typically grounded
Arresters - Can explain the principles of arrester operation and describe the basic operation of a valve type arrester, a pellet type arrester and an expulsion type arrester
Arresters - Can demonstrate one approved method of replacing an arrester
Fuses and Fuse Cutouts - Can describe the operation of an open-type fuse cutout and a door-type fuse cutout and explain how fuses are rated
Fuses and Fuse Cutouts - Can demonstrate one approved method for replacing a fuse link in an open-type fuse cutout
Monitoring and Control Systems - Can describe the functions and features found in typical monitoring and control systems and SCADA systems
Distribution Automation and Load Mngt. - Can describe the functions and features of a typical distribution automation and load management system
Emergency Boom Lowering - Can describe and demonstrate using bucket truck lower controls to lower the boom in an emergency, with truck engine running
Emergency Boom Lowering - Can describe and demonstrate using bucket truck lower controls to lower the boom in an emergency, with the auxiliary power system
Emergency Boom Lowering - Can describe and demonstrate approved alternative method of retrieving a disabled person from an elevated bucket, in an emergency
Bucket Truck Rescue, Part 1 - Can describe and demonstrate basic procedures for performing a bucket truck rescue when boom can reach the ground and the bucket has a quick-release device
Bucket Truck Rescue, Part 2 - Can describe and demonstrate basic procedures for performing a bucket truck rescue using the rescue block method or alternative method approved by employer
Safety Guidelines - Can state three basic safety guidelines that apply to meter work
Physical Hazards - Can Identify physical hazards associated with material handling
Physical Hazards - Can identify physical hazards associated with conditions at a job site
Electrical Safety - Can describe the affects of current flow on the human body
Electrical Safety - Can identify safety gear normally used for protection against electrical hazards
Single Phase Meter Replacement - Can describe safety procedures associated with a typical single-phase meter replacement job
Three Phase Meter Replacement - Can describe safety procedures associated with a typical three-phase meter installation job
Intro to Transmission Structures - Can describe three types of structure configurations and explain when each type is used
Concrete Foundations - Can describe typical steps for preparing a job site for installation of a concrete foundation
Concrete Foundations - Can demonstrate the basic steps for constructing and installing a concrete foundation
Grillage Foundations - Can demonstrate the basic tasks involved in assembling and installing grillage foundations
Lattice Tower Erection - Can demonstrate the basic tasks commonly used to safely assemble and erect a lattice tower using one or more cranes
Tubular Steel Pole Erection - Can demonstrate how tubular steel poles can be assembled and safely erected using two basic pole section designs
Structure Erection Using A Helicopter - Can explain how a transmission structure is installed using multiple locations and a helicopter
Part 1 Types Of URD Systems - Given prints or diagrams of a service area, can identify URD power sources and system design
URD System Components - Can identify the following: a. Primary Feeder Connections, b. Pad Mounted Transformers, c. Below Ground Transformers, d. Customer Service Connections
Cables and Terminations - Can identify primary and secondary URD cable and URD cable
Part 2 URD Equipment Installation - Can demonstrate approved procedures for installing a pad mounted transformer
Part 2 URD Equipment Installation - Can demonstrate approved procedures for installing a subsurface transformer
Part 2 URD Equipment Installation - Can demonstrate approved procedures for installing a direct-buried
URD System Maintenance - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for inspecting URD equipment
Cables and Terminations - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for isolating a: a. Section of Primary Cable, b. Cable Pole, c. Transformer
Work Area Safety - Can Demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for establishing a safe work area in an underground and URD work site
Work Area Safety - Can identify underground and URD circuits and prescribe the appropriate personal protective equipment for the job
Tools and Test Equipment - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for inspecting, testing and operating a: a. Pocket Statiscope, b. Phasing Tool, c. Remote Cable Spear, d. Remote Cable Cutter
Shoring - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for installing and removing shoring in an excavation
Atmospheric Testing - Can identify, inspect, calibrate, accurately read and demonstrate the safe use of atmospheric testing devices
Atmospheric Testing - Can identify, inspect, set-up and demonstrate the safe operation of ventilation equipment
Vault Emergency - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for reporting and preparing for a vault rescue
Distribution Systems Layout - Can identify and describe major components of a typical overhead distribution system and distinguish between primary and secondary systems
Poles, Pole Hardware and Conductors - Can identify and describe typical distribution poles, typical configurations and typical hardware used on them
Poles, Pole Hardware and Conductors - Can identify and distinguish typical insulators used on poles
Poles, Pole Hardware and Conductors - Can identify and distinguish typical conductors used in overhead distribution systems
Pole Top Equipment - Can identify and describe the following types of distribution pole top equipment: transformers, voltage regulators, capacitors, reclosers, sectionalizers, fused cutouts, surge arrestors, static wires, and gang-operated air switches
Delta and Wye Primary Systems - Can identify and distinguish between delta and wye primary systems in an overhead distribution system
KV Primary Systems - Can identify and describe a 34.5 primary distribution system
KV Primary Systems - Can identify a dual voltage transformer and explain it’s use in a primary system
Principles of Pole Construction - Can describe typical wooden pole construction configurations
Principles of Pole Construction - Can describe forces exerted on a wooden pole based on the placement and angle of the conductor wire
Construction Types - Can describe the three basic pole construction types and how they can be modified to meet different needs
Framing a Pole, Part 1 - Can describe the types of cuts that can be made in a pole as well as the types of bolts and other hardware that is approved for use in pole framing
Framing a Pole, Part 2 - Can read a spec sheet or engineering drawings and demonstrate how to plan out and execute a pole framing job
Guys - Can describe typical wooden pole guy wiring configurations
Guys - Can describe typical anchoring solutions and when each may be used
Guys - Can demonstrate approved procedures for installing the guy wire
Guying and Grounding - Can demonstrate approved procedures for installing anchors
Guying and Grounding - Can demonstrate approved procedures for installing the guy wire
Introduction to Safety - Can explain how personal attitude affects safety on the job
Introduction to Safety - Can identify and describe the major safety hazards found on a typical, energized work site
Care and Use of Safety Equipment - Can describe safety equipment used in overhead line maintenance and demonstrate how to properly use, care for and store it
Climbing Safety - Can demonstrate approved procedures for inspecting, using and storing climbing equipment
Climbing Safety - Can demonstrate the approved procedures for proper inspection of a pole prior to climbing
Climbing Safety - Can demonstrate approved procedures for stabilizing an unstable pole that must be climbed
Electrical Hazards - Can identify and describe primary circuits in different configurations, including energized jumpers
Electrical Hazards - Can identify and describe grounds and grounded equipment
Electrical Hazards - Can demonstrate how to use approved insulating gear for the equipment to be covered
Safety with Tools and Equipment - Can demonstrate safe work practices for using typical tools and equipment used for overhead line maintenance
Safety with Tools and Equipment - Can demonstrate the approved procedures for lowering an electrical shock victim to the ground from a pole position
Pole Top Rescue - Can demonstrate the proper method of tying a lowering hitch knot
Pole Top Rescue - Can demonstrate the approved procedures for lowering an electrical shock victim to the ground from a pole position
Basic Concepts of Metering - Can describe the basic parts and operating principles of an electro-mechanical, watt-hour meter
Self-Contained Meter Application - Can describe the characteristics of a typical three-phase delta service and a typical three-phase wye service
Transformer-Rated Meter Application - Can describe and demonstrate how an instrument transformer is connected to a transformer-rated meter
Meter Testing - Can describe and demonstrate the basic steps for conducting a comparison test on a single-phase, watt-hour meter
Meterman Responsibilities - Can describe various forms of power theft and how the meter safety features can be compromised
2nd Class Lineworker
Transformer Principles - Can describe the main parts of a substation power transformer and explain the need for them
Power, Current & Potential Transformers - Can identify and describe power transformers, current transformers and potential transformers
Power Transformer Cooling - Can identify a self-cooled power transformer and describe how the cooling system works
Power Transformer Cooling - Can identify a self-cooled/forced-air-cooled power transformer and describe how the cooling system works
Power Transformer Cooling Systems, Part 2 - Can identify a forced-oil/forced-air-cooled power transformer and describe how the cooling system works
Introduction to Circuit Breakers - Can describe the main functions of a circuit breaker, why arcs must be extinguished quickly
Introduction to Circuit Breakers - Can identify four mediums that are commonly used in circuit breakers to help extinguish arcs
Air-Magnetic and Air-Blast Breakers - Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical air-magnetic circuit breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs
Air-Magnetic and Air-Blast Breakers - Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical air-blast circuit breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs
Oil and Vacuum Circuit Breakers - Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical oil circuit breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs
Oil and Vacuum Circuit Breakers - Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical vacuum circuit breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs
Voltage Regulator Operation, Part 1 - Can describe the function of voltage regulators and identify the main components that enable an induction voltage regulator to adjust voltage
Voltage Regulator Operation, Part 2 - Can describe the function of a @step@ voltage regulator and identify the main components that enable a step voltage regulator to adjust voltage
Voltage Regulator Control, Part 1 - Can describe the function of a voltage detector and how it works
Voltage Regulator Control, Part 1 - Can describe the function of a line drop compensator and how it works
Voltage Regulator Control, Part 2 - Can describe the function of a voltage regulator time delay component
Voltage Regulator Control, Part 2 - Can describe the function of voltage regulator limit switches
Voltage Regulator Control, Part 2 - Can describe the function of a voltage regulator voltage reduction control
Function of Capacitors & Reactors - Can Explain how capacitor banks and shunt reactors are used to improve power factor
Clearing Capacitor Banks - Can demonstrate how to safely de-energize, isolate, and test a substation capacitor bank
Clearing Capacitor Banks - Can demonstrate how to safely ground a substation capacitor bank that is equipped with switches
Clearing Capacitor Banks - Can demonstrate how to safely ground a substation capacitor bank using portable grounds
Capacitor Bank Maintenance - Can demonstrate how to safely remove individual capacitors and capacitor fuses
Capacitor Bank Maintenance - Can explain special precautions required when handling capacitors containing PCB®s
Capacitor Bank Maintenance - Can identify common problems to look for when inspecting substation capacitor banks
Capacitor Resistor & Insulator - Can demonstrate how to test the integrity of the insulators of a substation capacitor
Capacitor Resistor & Insulator - Can demonstrate how to test the integrity of the internal resistor of a substation capacitor
Introduction To Relays - Can adequately explain how a protective relay is used in a T&D system
Overcurrent Relays - Can adequately describe the condition that causes an overcurrent relay to operate
Directional Overcurrent Relays - Can describe the basic operating principles of directional overcurrent relays
Reclosing Relays - Can adequately explain the basic function of reclosing relays
Voltage Relays - Can identify the type of equipment that voltage relays typically protect and the conditions that cause voltage relays to operate
Auxiliary Relays - Can describe the basic operating principles of auxiliary relays
Solid-State Relays - Can define the following terms: analog signal, digital signal, and logic circuit
Control Functions, Modes & Equipment - Can describe how control is provided in a substation and identify typical equipment used to provide control
Voltage Control - Can describe how a simple voltage control system works
Distribution Feeder Fault Control - Can describe how the effects of distribution feeder faults can be controlled using an overcurrent relay protective system and a feeder reclosing relay control system
Transmission & Subtransmission - Can adequately explain the difference between controlling the effects of feeder faults with an impedance system and controlling the effects of feeder faults with an overcurrent system
Station Fault Control - Can adequately explain the differences between controlling the effects of station faults with a differential system and controlling the effects of station faults with an overcurrent protective system
Source Circuit Fault Control - Can adequately explain how the effects of source circuit faults can be controlled using a directional relay protective system
Source Circuit Fault Control - Can adequately explain how the effects of opens on a source circuit can be controlled using a voltage relay protective system
Source Circuit Fault Control - Can adequately explain how the duration of a source circuit outage can be minimized by an autoclosing relay protective system
Routine Checks Of Control Equipment - Can list items typically checked during a routine inspection of substation control equipment
Climbing Equipment and Hazards - Can list and explain some of the basic equipment used for climbing steel poles and towers
Climbing Equipment and Hazards - Can list and explain some of the typical hazards encountered on steel poles and towers
Pre-Climb Planning and Inspection - Can explain the purpose of the planning done at a tailgate session and some of the issues discussed
Pre-Climb Planning and Inspection - Can demonstrate and describe the basic procedures for inspecting equipment, tools and structures prior to climbing
Climbing Towers - Can demonstrate basic techniques for ascending and descending lattice towers
Climbing Steel Poles - Can demonstrate and explain some of the common techniques used for climbing steel poles
Working From Steel Poles - Can demonstrate the basic process for using a cable climbing belt to climb a specially equipped steel pole structure
Working From Steel Poles - Can demonstrate how ladders can be used to work from steel pole structures
Working From Towers - Can demonstrate and explain some basic techniques for working from lattice tower structures
Job Planning - Can explain the basic considerations for planning a transmission line installation job
Job Planning - Can demonstrate how to determine the length of wire needed for stringing, how to calculate the average span length and how to calculate a ruling span
Job Preparation - Can describe typical steps for preparing to string transmission wire and some of the typical equipment used
Job Preparation - Can explain where to properly place the equipment for a particular section being pulled
Pulling Conductor - Can demonstrate how a pilot line is pulled into position
Pulling Conductor - Can demonstrate how a bull line is pulled into position
Pulling Conductor - Can demonstrate how a conductor is pulled into position
Pulling Conductor - Can explain the safety concerns associated with the pulling process
Sagging, Part 1 - Can demonstrate how a dynamometer can be used for sagging wire
Sagging, Part 2 - Can demonstrate how a transit or sagging scope can be used for sagging wire
Clipping In - Can demonstrate the basic process of clipping in?
High Voltage Rigging Basics - Can explain the safety issues associated with safe working distance as it applies to high voltage components
High Voltage Rigging Basics - Can describe the three basic stages of a high voltage maintenance or repair job
Vertical Insulator Changeouts: Tailgate Session - Can describe equipment placement and rigging required to safely change out a vertical string of insulators on a wooden spar structure
Vertical Insulator Changeouts: Tailgate Session - Can describe the tasks involved and the sequence of operations necessary to safely rig for vertical insulator changeout
Vertical Insulator Changeout - Can demonstrate the rigging techniques involved in safely changing out a vertical string of insulators on a wooden spar structure
Inside V Insulator Changeout - Can demonstrate the tasks involved and the sequence of operations necessary to accomplish an inside V insulator changeout
Running Corner Insulator Changeout - Can demonstrate the tasks involved and the sequence of operations necessary to accomplish a running corner insulator changeout
Spar Arm Replacement - Can demonstrate the tasks involved and the sequence of operations necessary to accomplish a spar arm replacement
De-Energizing, Isolating and Tagging - Can demonstrate approved procedures for de-energizing, isolating and tagging a transmission line
Inducted Charges - Can describe how a de-energized line can become energized by both magnetic and electric induction
Static Charges and Ground Systems - Can describe how a de-energized line can become energized by static electricity
Static Charges and Ground Systems - Can adequately describe three transmission grounding systems
Field Clearance and Testing - Can describe the approved procedures for obtaining a clearance on a transmission line
Field Clearance and Testing - Can demonstrate how to test a transmission line to determine that it is de-energized
Grounding - Can demonstrate how to safely ground a transmission line
Direct Burial of URD Cable - Can describe three methods used for the direct burial of URD cable
URD Cable in Conduit (CIC) - Can describe the typical tools used to pull URD cable in conduit and can demonstrate the pulling of URD cable in conduit
Underground Cable Systems - Can describe the approved rigging practices and the equipment necessary to install cable in conduit between two manholes
Pulling Cable Between Manholes - Can demonstrate one approved method of installing underground cable in conduit between two manholes
Pulling Cable Into Buildings - Can demonstrate two methods of installing cable in conduit between a manhole and a building
Pad-Mounted Transformers - Can identify and describe the general features of a pad-mounted transformer
Pad-Mounted Transformer Installations - Can demonstrate an approved installation procedure for a three-phase pad-mounted transformer that includes the following steps: site preparation, transformer installation, and testing
Troubleshooting A Three-Phase Pad-Mounted Transformer & Part 1 - Can define "one leg open" and describe its symptoms
Troubleshooting A Three-Phase Pad-Mounted Transformer & Part 1 - Can define "ferroresonance" and describe its symptoms
Troubleshooting A Three-Phase Pad-Mounted Transformer & Part 1 - Can define "off ratio winding" and describe its symptoms
Troubleshooting A Three-Phase Pad-Mounted Transformer & Part 1 - Can define "open neutral" and describe its symptoms
Troubleshooting A Three-Phase Pad-Mounted Transformer & Part 2 - Can demonstrate how the troubleshooting process can be used to isolate the cause of a problem in a three-phase, pad-mounted transformer
Pad-Mounted Switchgear - Can perform approved procedures for inspecting pad-mounted switchgear
Pad-Mounted Switchgear Operation - Can demonstrate how pad-mounted switchgear can be used to sectionalize and isolate equipment in an underground feeder system
Types of Electrical UR Cable - Can identify the major parts of a primary cable
Voltage Stress and Stress Relief - Can explain how a layered cable design helps to counteract the effects of voltage stress
Voltage Stress and Stress Relief - Can explain how a layered cable design helps to provide for the relief of static charges
Voltage Stress and Stress Relief - Can explain what voltage stress is
Cable Preparation - Can demonstrate one method of preparing primary cable for a tape splice
Cable Preparation - Can identify equipment and how it can be used to prepare primary cable for a tape splice
Introduction to Terminations - Can identify termination classes and devices used to control voltage stress and devices used for tracking protection
Tape Terminations - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for making tape terminations
Elbow Terminations - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for making elbow terminations
Porcelain Terminations - Can demonstrate how to install a porcelain termination
Rubber Cable Terminations - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for making the following rubber cable terminations: a. Molded, Slip-on, b. Cold-Shrink, c. Heat-Shrink
Service Connections - Can describe the common service connections
Making Service Connections - Can select the appropriate service connection for a give application and, if needed the correct die and compression tool
Making Service Connections - Can demonstrate the four basic steps for making a service connection
Overhead Residential Service Installation - Can demonstrate how to hang a single-phase service at a residential weatherhead
Overhead Residential Service Installation - Can demonstrate how to connect a residential service at a weatherhead
Overhead Residential Service Installation - Can demonstrate how to pull a single-phase service and connect it to a secondary main
Underground Residential Service Installation - Can demonstrate how to connect a single-phase underground service at a meter box
Underground Residential Service Installation - Can demonstrate how to connect a single-phase service at a pad-mounted transformer
Backfeed, Shorts, and Jumper Tests - Can describe typical reasons for testing for backfeed, phase to ground shorts and jumpers
Backfeed, Shorts, and Jumper Tests - Can demonstrate how to test for backfeed, phase to ground shorts and jumpers
Three Phase Service Installation - Can demonstrate how to safely install a three-phase service using approved procedures
Three Phase Service Installation - Can demonstrate how to replace a three-phase service without interrupting service to the customer
Three Phase Service Replacement - Can demonstrate how to replace a three-phase service without interrupting service to the customer
Multimeter Basics - Can identify and describe the main components of a typical multimeter and what they are used for
Reading A Multimeter - Can demonstrate how to read a digital multimeter
Reading A Multimeter - Can demonstrate how to read an analog multimeter
Using A Multimeter - Can describe general safety precautions and procedures employed when using a multimeter in a substation
Using A Multimeter - Can demonstrate how to set up, use and store a multimeter
Substation Applications, Part 1 - Can demonstrate how a multimeter is used in adjusting a variable resistor
Substation Applications, Part 1 - Can demonstrate how a multimeter is used in checking continuity
Substation Applications, Part 1 - Can demonstrate how a multimeter is used verifying a circuit
Substation Applications, Part 2 - Can demonstrate how a multimeter can be used in troubleshooting a communication circuit
Substation Applications, Part 2 - Can demonstrate how a multimeter can be used in troubleshooting a DC control circuit
Substation Applications, Part 2 - Can demonstrate how a multimeter can be used in adjusting a current transducer
Part 1 - Can identify and describe four commonly used types of line test equipment
Introduction to Line Test Equipment - Can identify and describe four commonly used types of line test equipment
Introduction to Line Test Equipment - Can demonstrate how to obtain accurate readings from a line test device
Ammeters - Can demonstrate how to properly use an ammeter in typical situations
Voltage Testers and Voltmeters - Can describe the basic operation of a voltage test device
Voltage Testers and Voltmeters - Can demonstrate how and when a noisy tester is used
Voltage Testers and Voltmeters - Can demonstrate how and when to use a voltmeter
Application of Voltmeters - Can demonstrate how a voltage test device, a voltmeter, and a recording voltmeter are used together to check a low voltage complaint at a house
Application of Voltmeters - Can demonstrate how a phasing tool is used to match two sets of three-phase primary conductors at one utility pole
Rotation Indicators - Can describe, in general terms, how three-phase A/C power is generated
Rotation Indicators - Can demonstrate how a rotation indicator is used to indicate the direction of three-phase power
Ground Resistance Test Devices - Can describe the parts of a typical ground resistance test device
Ground Resistance Test Devices - Can demonstrate how and when a typical ground resistance test device is used to test the resistance value of a ground
Introduction - Can describe two kinds of tree trimming jobs typically performed by a utility company and describe the factors considered in a tree trimming program
Safety Hazards - Can describe three categories of tree trimming hazards and describe approved practices for avoiding each
Planning a Tree Trimming Job - Can describe three basic steps for planning a tree trimming job and describe approved practices for each
Working Safely - Can demonstrate how to perform tree trimming work safely from a bucket truck and from a pole position
Working Safely - Can demonstrate how to perform tree trimming work safely from the ground, from a ladder, and from a tree
Controlling The Load - Can describe considerations used to determine when rigging is required to safely complete a tree trimming job
Controlling The Load - Can demonstrate some commonly used tree @cuts@ and explain when each type is used
Controlling The Load - Can demonstrate a tree trimming job rigged to properly control the load to ensure personnel safety, line and property safety
Pre-Use Inspections - Can explain safety reasons for conducting a pre-use inspection of a bucket truck
Pre-Use Inspections - Can perform approved procedures for inspecting a bucket truck boom and bucket
Pre-Use Inspections - Can perform approved procedures for inspecting a bucket truck hydraulic system
Pre-Use Inspections - Can perform approved procedures for conducting an operational check on a bucket truck’s boom, bucket, and hydraulic system
Job Planning - Can describe typical hazards found at job sites associated with setting up and using a bucket truck
Job Planning - Can describe ways that a crew can prepare for a bucket truck related emergency
Truck Shock Hazards - Can describe how the insulating ability of a typical boom is checked and maintained
Truck Shock Hazards - Can demonstrate approved safety practices used to protect personnel from shock hazards
Planning A Distribution Job - Can describe general considerations associated with planning a distribution job
Replacing Secondary Conductors Part 1 - Can describe types of conductor arrangements commonly used in secondary construction
Replacing Secondary Conductors Part 1 - Can describe how open wire secondary conductors can be replaced with triplex secondary wire
Replacing Secondary Conductors Part 2 - Can demonstrate how a new service can be safely @paralleled@ both, using a jumper and without using a jumper
Replacing Secondary Conductors Part 2 - Can demonstrate approved procedures for safely isolating and removing old open wire secondary
Using A Temporary Crossarm - Can demonstrate approved procedures for safely changing out a crossarm by a lineman working from the pole
Moving Energized Conductors - Can demonstrate approved procedures for working safely from an insulated platform to move energized conductors
Installing Floating Dead-Ends - Can demonstrate approved procedures for safely working from an insulated platform to install a set of floating dead-ends
Introduction - Can describe two types of tests commonly performed on equipment used on transmission and distribution (T and D) systems
Testing Rubber Gloves, Sleeves - Can describe general procedures for performing dielectric tests on rubber gloves, sleeves, and blankets
Testing Rubber Gloves, Sleeves - Can demonstrate how to perform a visual inspection of rubber gloves, sleeves, and blankets
Testing Rubber Gloves, Sleeves - Can demonstrate how to perform an air test on rubber gloves
Line Hose, Hoods And Mechanical Jumpers - Can demonstrate how to inspect line hose, hoods, and mechanical jumpers before using them on a job
Hot Sticks - Can describe how to care for and store hot sticks
Hot Sticks - Can demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection on a hot stick
Planning - Can describe the basic tasks associated with the installation and removal of a distribution line
Planning - Can identify and describe typical equipment used in distribution line installation and removal
Safety - Can describe the basic safety considerations associated with the four basic tasks of a distribution line installation and removal job
Preparation - Can demonstrate an approved procedure for safely setting a new pole
Preparation - Can demonstrate an approved procedure for reconstructing an existing pole, safely
Installing The New Line - Can demonstrate how to set up a puller and a tensioner
Installing The New Line - Can demonstrate how to pull in a pilot line, a bull rope, and conductors
Installing The New Line - Can demonstrate how to dead-end and sag conductors and demonstrate how to tie in conductors
Energizing and Phasing-In - Can describe how to use a drawing to help determine jumper connections
Energizing and Phasing-In - Can demonstrate the basic tasks involved in phasing-in an energized line
Energizing and Phasing-In - Can demonstrate how to phase-in two distribution circuits with a high-voltage phasing tool
Removing Existing Line - Can demonstrate how to complete a lateral line change and how to remove an existing line
Pole Top Preparation - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for pole top preparation when replacing an existing distribution line for the following types of construction: a. Buckarm Pole, b. Tangent Pole, c. Alley Arm Pole, d. Dead-End Pole
Installing Pulling Ropes - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for installing pulling ropes to replace an existing distribution line
Installing Conductors - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for installing conductors to replace an existing distribution line
Energizing Conductors - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for energizing a new distribution line and transferring load from the existing line
Removing Conductors - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for removing the old distribution line
Rubber Protective Gear - Can identify various types of rubber protective gear and demonstrate approved procedures for storing
Care and Inspection of Rubber Gear - Can demonstrate approved procedures for field inspecting and testing rubber goods prior to use
Replacing an In-Line Switch - es for installing and removing protective rubber gear on an energized line
Replacing an In-Line Switch - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for replacing an in-line switch using gloves
Tying Phases on a New Pole - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for installing and tying an energized circuit to a new pole
Dead-End Insulator Changeout - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for changing out a dead-end insulator using the glove method
Moving A Single Phase Line - Can identify hot-line tools used to move a line by the lift method and describe the function of each tool
Moving A Single Phase Line - Can demonstrate a basic procedure for moving a single-phase line using the lift method
Moving A Single Phase Line - Can identify hot-line tools used to move a line by the side method and describe the function of each tool
Moving A Single Phase Line - Can demonstrate a basic procedure for moving a single-phase line using the side method
Moving A Three Phase Line - Can demonstrate a basic procedure for moving three-phase lines using an auxiliary side arm
Moving A Three Phase Line - Can demonstrate a basic procedure for moving three-phase lines using an auxiliary mast arm
Changing Out At Dead-End Insulator - Can identify the hot-line tools used to change out a dead-end insulator and describe the function of each tool
Changing Out At Dead-End Insulator - Can demonstrate a basic procedure for changing out a dead-end insulator
Rigging Safety - Can locate and identify equipment nameplate weight information and can correctly determine the weight of a utility pole using pole weight chart tables
Rigging Safety - Can correctly identify minimum approach distances when doing work on or around energized lines and equipment
Structural Safety - Can describe three types of stress and how each type is dealt with during a rigging operation
Transformer Rigging - Can prepare a job plan for replacing a transformer on a wooden pole, considering all safety factors
Transformer Rigging - Can demonstrate the proper rigging techniques for the job: Using block and tackle from a Gin Pole; Using block and tackle from the pole itself
Rigging a Running Corner - Can demonstrate the proper rigging for changing out an insulator on a running corner?
Cross Arm Change-Out - Can demonstrate the proper rigging for changing out a wooden cross arm
Transferring Secondary Lines - Can demonstrate the proper rigging for transferring secondary lines from one dead-end utility pole to another
1st Class Lineworker
Rigging Forces And Tensions, Part 1 - Can describe how to determine the weight exerted by a conductor on an insulator
Rigging Forces And Tensions, Part 2 - Can describe line tension and can calculate the line tension and bisect tension exerted by a conductor
Rigging Forces And The Safety Factor - Can describe guy tension and determine the approximate guy tension required to hold against line or bisect tension
Rigging Forces And The Safety Factor - Can properly calculate the rigging safety factor
Weight and Tension Calculations - Can properly calculate conductor weight when job involves moving conductor to a taller pole
Introduction - Can explain how a material handling bucket truck is different from a standard bucket truck in the ability to lift heavy loads
The Winch And The Jib - Can describe the basic operation of a winch and a jib
The Winch And The Jib - Can describe how conductor lifting attachments can be used by a material handling bucket truck to change out a cross arm
Lift Capacity - Can define Lift Capacity as it pertains to a material handling bucket truck
Lift Capacity - Can describe conditions that affect lift capacity
Lift Capacity - Can explain how data plates, lift capacity charts, and load indicators are used
Truck and Boom Positioning - Can describe the conditions that affect truck positioning
Truck and Boom Positioning - Can distinguish between overcenter positioning and conventional positioning of the upper boom
Lifting a Transformer - Can describe basic preparations for lifting jobs that involve the use of a material handling bucket truck
Lifting a Transformer - Can demonstrate a company approved process for installing a pole top transformer using a material handling bucket truck
Lifting a Transformer - Can define deflection and explain how safety hazards presented by deflection can be avoided
Power Transformer Sealing Systems, Part 1 - Can state the purpose of a power transformer sealing system
Power Transformer Sealing Systems, Part 1 - Can identify a gas-sealed power transformer and describe how the sealing system works
Power Transformer Sealing Systems, Part 1 - Can identify a conservator-type sealed power transformer and describe how the sealing system works
Power Transformer Sealing Systems, Part 2 - Can identify a conservator-type sealed power transformer that has an air bag in the conservator and describe how the sealing system works
Power Transformer Sealing Systems, Part 2 - Can identify a gas/oil-sealed power transformer and describe how the sealing system works
Gas-Blast And Gas-Puffer Breakers - Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical gas-blast circuit breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs
Gas-Blast And Gas-Puffer Breakers - Can identify the main arc extinguishing features of a typical gas-puffer circuit breaker and how they work to extinguish arcs
Solenoid and Motor/Spring Operating Mechanisms - Can identify the main features of a typical solenoid circuit breaker operating mechanism and how they work to operate a breaker
Solenoid and Motor/Spring Operating Mechanisms - Can identify the main features of a typical motor/spring circuit breaker and how they work to operate a breaker
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Operating Mechanisms - Can identify the main features of a typical pneumatic circuit breaker and how they work to operate a breaker
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Operating Mechanisms - Can identify the main features of a typical hydraulic circuit breaker and how they work to operate a breaker
Field Inspection - Can describe the typical inspection steps performed on a voltage regulator
Field Control Checks - Can describe the control checks for a voltage regulator with solid-state controls
Regulator Replacement - Can demonstrate how to safety remove a voltage regulator from service
Regulator Replacement - Can demonstrate how to safely place a voltage regulator into service
Introduction to Relays - Can adequately explain the functions of : overcurrent, directional overcurrent, reclosing, voltage and auxiliary relays
Differential Relays - Can adequately describe the basic operating principles of differential relays
Transfer Tripping - Can define transfer tripping and identify the main components of a transfer tripping system
Distance Relays - Can adequately explain the basic operating principles of distance relays and what causes them to operate
Pilot Wire Relaying - Can identify the main components of a pilot wire relaying system and describe the basic operating principles
Breaker Failure Relaying - Can identify the main components of a breaker failure relaying system and describe the basic operating principles
Cable Construction - Can identify the main components of a high voltage cable and describe the functions of each
Principles of Cable Termination - Can adequately explain how a high voltage termination provides voltage stress control, protection against tracking and how it provides a seal to the environment
15KV Class PILC Cable Preparation - Can demonstrate how to prepare a three-conductor PILC cable for termination
15KV Class PILC Cable Termination - Can demonstrate how to build a stress cone on a three-conductor PILC cable and how to attach connector stems
15KV Class PILC Cable Termination - Can demonstrate how to install and assemble a pothead onto a cable
69KV Solid Dielectric Cable Preparation - Can demonstrate how to prepare a single-conductor solid dielectric cable for termination
69KV Solid Dielectric Cable Termination - Can demonstrate how to apply the tapes used to make a termination on a single- conductor 69kv solid dielectric cable
69KV Solid Dielectric Cable Termination - Can demonstrate how to install the insulator hoods and connector for a taped termination on the same cable
Introduction to Hot Sticks - Can identify and describe hot sticks used in transmission line repair
Introduction to Hot Sticks - Can adequately explain the meaning of potential and safe working distances and minimum clearance as they apply to hot stick safety
Planning a Job - Can perform an acceptable pre-job or tailgate meeting in preparation for a transmission hot stick job
Planning a Job - Can demonstrate and describe the basic procedures for inspecting and storing hot sticks
Insulator Changeout (Suspension) - Can describe the basic procedures for changing out an insulator string in the suspension position on a spar pole structure
Insulator Changeout (Suspension) - Can identify the types of hot sticks used to change out the insulator string and the safety considerations with using hot sticks in this work
Insulator Changeout (V String) - Can describe the basic procedures for changing out a Ve string of insulators on a lattice tower using hot sticks, safely
Insulator Changeout (Dead-End), Part 1 - Can describe the planning considerations necessary to prepare for a job to safely change out a string of dead-end insulators on a lattice tower and how hot stick equipment would be properly used
Insulator Changeout (Dead-End), Part 2 - Can describe the major tasks that must be accomplished in order to change out a string of dead-end insulators on a lattice tower using hot sticks properly and safely
Introduction to the Bare Hand Method - Can explain the meaning of potential difference as it applies to bare hand work and recognize where potential differences exist on a transmission line
Introduction to the Bare Hand Method - Can explain safe working distance (minimum clearances) as they apply to bare hand work using a voltage range chart
Clipping in and Shunting - Can demonstrate the proper method of putting on a conductive suit to work safely on energized lines and explain how a lineman becomes energized using the bare hand method
Clipping in and Shunting - Can explain how shunts are used to make a work area safe
Planning and Inspection - Can explain the type of planning necessary to perform a job using the bare hand method
Planning and Inspection - Can demonstrate the basic safety considerations as they apply to rigging, equipment, and personnel using the bare hand method
Insulator Changeout, Part 1 - Can explain the basic tasks that must be accomplished on the cold side of the tower in preparation for changing out a V string of insulators and explain basic safety considerations that a crew follows while changing out insulators using the bare hand method
Insulator Changeout, Part 2 - Can demonstrate the basic tasks that must be accomplished on the hot side in order to change out a string of insulators using the bare hand method
Insulator Changeout, Part 2 - Can demonstrate how a lineman comes off of an energized conductor using the bare hand method
Bucket Trucks and the Bare Hand Method - Can identify and explain the specialized equipment required to work from a bucket truck using the bare hand method and explain the major tasks that must be accomplished and inspections that must be made on bucket trucks and bare hand equipment prior to doing a job
Bucket Trucks and the Bare Hand Method - Can demonstrate how to safely energize a bucket truck
Bucket Trucks and the Bare Hand Method - Can demonstrate the basic tasks that must be accomplished to install or repair an armour rod from a bucket truck using the bare hand method
Bucket Trucks and the Bare Hand Method - Can explain some of the key safety considerations when working bare hand from a bucket truck
Primary Cable Splicing - Can demonstrate one method of completing a tape splice on a single conductor, jacketed primary cable
Splice Kits - Can demonstrate how to install a molded slip on splice on a primary cable with a concentric neutral
Splice Kits - Can demonstrate how to install a heat shrink splice on a primary cable with a jacketed concentric wire layer
Cable Preparation - Can identify differences between primary and secondary cable construction
Cable Preparation - Can demonstrate how to perform a split bolt (mechanical) splice, a heat shrink spice, a cold shrink splice and a rolling ring seal splice on a secondary cable
Introduction to Cable Fault Location - Can list the essential components contained in fault-locating equipment for URD cable
Capacitor Discharge Test Unit - Can explain the purpose of the controls on a typical capacitor discharge unit
Capacitor Discharge Test Unit - Can explain how each of the following tests provides information that is used to determine the location of a fault in a URD cable: Capacitor (cap) discharge test, High Potential (hipot) test
Locating a Fault In Primary URD Cable 1 - Can safely perform the following preliminary steps before testing a primary cable: Interpret the system diagram; Connect the cables on a capacitor discharge test unit to test a section of cable in which a fault is suspected; Ensure the cable is dead so that it can be worked on
Locating a Fault In Primary URD Cable 2 - Can pinpoint the location of a fault with the capacitor discharge test unit and the pickup and detector arrangement
Voltage Gradient Equipment - Can explain how voltage gradient equipment can be used to locate a fault in a section of secondary URD cable
Voltage Gradient Equipment - Can explain the purpose of the controls on a typical voltage gradient transmitter, pickup and detector
Locating a Fault in Secondary URD Cable - Can explain safety issues associated with locating secondary faults
Locating a Fault in Secondary URD Cable - Can perform the following preliminary steps before locating a fault in a secondary URD cable: Connect the test leads on a voltage gradient transmitter so that a section of secondary URD cable can be tested; Ensure the cable is dead so that it can be worked on; Interpret the system diagram
Locating a Fault in Secondary URD Cable - Can pinpoint the location of the fault using the voltage gradient
Isolating Transformer Faults - Can describe the layout of a typical underground residential (URD) system
Isolating Transformer Faults - Can demonstrate how to troubleshoot a transformer fault in which only the transformer primary fuse in blown
Isolating Transformer Faults - Can demonstrate how to troubleshoot a transformer fault in which the riser pole fuse is blown, but the transformer primary fuse is intact
Isolating Cable Faults, Part 1 - Can describe three common types of cable fault indicators and demonstrate how to troubleshoot a cable fault in a system equipped with cable fault indicators
Isolating Cable Faults, Part 1 - Can demonstrate how to troubleshoot a cable fault by isolating and testing one section of cable at a time starting at the normally open point in the loop
Isolating Cable Faults, Part 1 - Can demonstrate how to troubleshoot a cable fault by isolating and testing one section of cable at a time starting at a blown riser pole fuse
Isolating Cable Faults, Part 2 - Can demonstrate how to troubleshoot a cable fault by re-energizing one section of cable at a time, using safe work practices and PPE
Isolating Cable Faults, Part 2 - Can demonstrate how the area to be isolated and tested for a cable fault in a URD system can be reduced
Isolating Cable Faults, Part 2 - Can describe the major differences in troubleshooting a transformer fault or a cable fault between three-phase and single-phase systems
Introduction - Can describe how fused cutouts, reclosers, and sectionalizers can be used to provide a coordinated protection for a distribution system
Cutouts - Can demonstrate approved procedures for replacing a fuse in a fused cutout
Cutouts - Can demonstrate approved procedures for replacing an complete fused cutout device
Reclosers - Can describe typical classifications of reclosers
Reclosers - Can describe the operating cycles and operation of two types of recloser control mechanisms
Removal - Can select, inspect, and properly use appropriate safety equipment
Removal - Can safely de-energize and disconnect a single-phase pole top distribution transformer when service is to be interrupted
Removal - Can dismount and remove a single-phase pole top distribution transformer, using blocks and a truck-mounted winch
Installation - Can safely connect a single-phase pole top distribution transformer with the secondary bus de-energized
Installation - Can safely energize a newly installed pole top transformer
Installation - Can properly test a newly installed pole top transformer
Phasing and Tying: Removal - Can temporarily tie in a secondary distribution bus with a nearby pole top transformer to maintain customer service during transformer replacement
Phasing and Tying: Removal - Can safely de-energize and disconnect a completely self-protected pole top distribution transformer when customer service is not to be interrupted
Phasing And Tying: Installation - Can safely connect and phase-in a pole top distribution transformer to an energized 3-wire single phase secondary bus
Pole Top Voltage Regulators - Can describe the construction and operation of: a. Induction Voltage Regulators, b. Step Voltage Regulators
Troubleshooting Pole Top Voltage Regulators - Can describe the basic parts of a step voltage regulator installed on an overhead feeder
Troubleshooting Pole Top Voltage Regulators - Can demonstrate approved procedures for troubleshooting a malfunctioning step voltage regulator
Replacing Pole Top Voltage Regulators - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for replacing a pole top
Recloser Replacement - Can demonstrate one method of safely de-energizing, rigging, and replacing a three-phase electronic recloser
Gang-Operated Switch Maintenance - Can demonstrate how to safely inspect and troubleshoot a gang-operated switch
Gang-Operated Switch Replacement - Can demonstrate an approved procedure for safely replacing a gang-operated switch
Pole Top Capacitors - Before putting into service, can demonstrate approved procedures: a. Capacitor Banks, b. Voltage Regulators
Troubleshooting Pole Top Capacitors - Can demonstrate approved procedures for safely isolating and discharging a pole top capacitor bank
Troubleshooting Pole Top Capacitors - Can demonstrate approved procedures for zeroing and isolating a pole top voltage regulator
Replacing Pole Top CapacitorS - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for replacing a pole top: a. Capacitors
Transformer Basics - Can locate requested information from a transformer nameplate
Primary Systems - Can explain the differences between a delta and wye system.
Single-Phase Transformer Connections - Can demonstrate approved procedures for connecting a single-phase, pole mounted, distribution transformer to provide single-phase service
Three-Phase Primary Connections - Can demonstrate a three-phase delta primary connection using three single-phase transformers
Delta Secondary Connections - Can demonstrate a three-phase delta secondary connection that provides zero degrees of angular displacement
Wye Secondary Connections - Can demonstrate how a wye-wye connection with zero degrees of angular displacement is made
Three-Phase Banks - Can demonstrate approved procedures for making the following three-phase connections: a. Delta-Delta, b. Wye-Wye
Delta-Wye / Wye-Delta Connections - Can demonstrate approved procedures for making the following three-phase connections: a. Delta-Wye, b. Wye-Delta
Open Banks - Can demonstrate approved procedures for making the following three-phase connections: a Open Delta-Delta, b. Open. Wye-Delta
Introduction to Transformer Troubleshooting - Can identify conventional distribution transformers and CP distribution transformers
Protective Devices - Can identify overcurrent and overvoltage protective devices used on distribution systems
Transformer Problems - Can identify causes of transformer outages and potential sources of backfeed
Isolating and Testing Single-Phase - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practices for isolating and testing: a. Wye-connected conventional transformers, b. Delta-connected conventional transformers, c. CSP transformers
Troubleshooting Three-Phase Banks - Can demonstrate approved procedures and safe work practice for isolating and testing three-phase transformer banks: a. Single-Phase Service, b. Three-Phase Service
Introduction to Troubleshooting - Given examples of problems, can apply logical troubleshooting procedures to determine possible causes
Patrolling - Can identify potential problems while patrolling a section of an overhead distribution line
Troubleshooting Safety - Can accurately report location to dispatcher or authorized person
Troubleshooting Safety - Can follow approved procedures for obtaining and confirming a clearance and work instructions
Sectionalizing Primary, Part 1 - Can demonstrate approved procedures for closing in a line
Sectionalizing Primary, Part 2 - Can describe the principles for locating problems on a primary line by sectionalizing and energizing portions of the line safely
Testing Secondary, Part 1 - Can demonstrate approved procedures for visually checking a secondary circuit
Testing Secondary, Part 1 - Can safely test for voltage at a meter box
Testing Secondary, Part 2 - Can demonstrate approved procedures for safely testing: a. Transformer Output Voltage, b. Source Voltage
Introduction - Can describe primary hazards associated with 34.5 kv lines and systems
Safety Equipment - Can describe safety equipment and its use and care in 34.5 kv rubber glove use
Safety Equipment - Can describe personal rubber PP and approved procedures in inspecting, wearing and storing
Safe Work Habits, Part 1 - Can describe safety considerations associated with planning and preparing for 34.5 kv rubber glove use
Safe Work Habits, Part 1 - Can describe how a tailgate or pre-job meeting is used to plan a job an communicate safety issues
Safe Work Habits, Part 2 - Can demonstrate approved procedures in safely changing out a crossarm in 34.5 kv rubber glove work
Safe Work Habits, Part 2 - Can demonstrate approved procedures used to change out a lateral cutout on a distribution line in 34.5 kv rubber glove work
Introduction to Troubleshooting - Can describe the basic steps associated with any type of overhead system problem
Introduction to Troubleshooting - Can identify and describe typical safety considerations in troubleshooting an overhead system problem affecting partial loss of power to a single customer
Troubleshooting Applications Part 1 - Can describe the basic troubleshooting steps that can be used to identify and correct an overhead system problem affecting partical loss of power to a single customer
Troubleshooting Applications Part 2 - Can describe basic troubleshooting steps that can be used to identify and correct an overhead system problem in which several customers are affected by a total loss of power
Introduction & Emergency Troubleshooting - Can describe the basic differences between troubleshooting under emergency conditions and normal conditions
Introduction & Emergency Troubleshooting - Can identify and describe typical safety considerations in troubleshooting during emergencies
Communications - Can describe how communications to and from a communications center are different during an emergency as opposed to normal conditions
Emergency Troubleshooting - Can describe some of the methods for effectively dealing with the physical and electrical hazards that are often present when troubleshooting is done on overhead lines at night during a storm
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