Child Care Development Specialist

ONET: 39-9011.00






Related instructions


On-the-job training
Classroom instruction topics
  • Module 1
  • Module 2
  • Module 3
  • Module 4
  • Module 5
  • Module 6
On-the-job training
  • Hands-On Exp: Infant/Toddler
    • Change diaper in the infant/waddler room. Document diaper change using tablet.
    • Feed an infant a bottle. Document feeding using tablet.
    • Sing a song to an infant or perform a finger play to an older infant.
    • Read a story to an individual child or small group of children.
    • Sanitize a high chair.
    • Switch crib sheets following infant room procedures
    • Sanitize mouthed toys according to center's sanitation procedure.
    • Assist in laying children down for nap time
    • Participate in a one-on-one interaction with a child.
    • Feed an older infant solid food.
    • Wash your hands during required times throughout the day.
    • Greet a parent and their child in the morning or afternoon with a warm welcome. Ensure to share and gather meaningful information.
    • Locate and fill out an incident report on the tablet.
    • Fill out medicine permission slip with assistance.
    • Give positive guidance to a child.
    • Locate time of request and describe procedure to request time off.
    • Creative or help contribute to the following week's lesson plans.
    • Locate children with allergies using Kid Reports.
    • Locate first-aid supplies and medical box.
  • Hands-On Experience: Preschool
    • Clean a surface following our center's sanitation guidelines.
    • Changes diaper/pull up following appropriate procedures.
    • Sing a song or perform a finger play with a small or large group of children.
    • Read a story to a small or large group of children.
    • Interact and play with children in a classroom center (dramatic play, blocks, etc.).
    • Assist in classroom nap time routines. Softly patting backs, putting cots out, etc.
    • Participate in a one-on-one interaction with a child.
    • Participate in meal time during breakfast, lunch and snack.
    • Play a simple game with children outdoors.
    • Find a rainy-day activity to do with children that promotes gross motor movements and do it.
    • Fill out an incident/accident report appropriately.
    • Greet a parent and their child in the morning or afternoon with a warm welcome. Ensure to share and gather meaningful information
    • Was your hands during required times throughout the day.
    • Locate sunscreen permission forms: if in season, apply sunscreen
    • Review all medication permission slips in your classroom.
    • Give positive guidance to a child.
    • Locate time off request and describe procedure to request time off
    • Create or help contribute to the following weeks lesson plans.
    • Determine which children have allergy issues through Kid Reports
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Myrtle Beach, SC (29577)
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