American Welding Society number system - coating flux analysis
Actual welding time experience: Manual horizontal welding
Actual welding time experience: Manual vertical up and down welding
Actual welding time experience: Manual overhead welding
Actual welding time experience: Manual pipe welding all positions
Actual welding time experience: Hardfacing electrodes
Gas Metal Arc Welding
Machine settings, polarity uses, voltage, amperage, slope and inductance uses
Short arc, spray arc, pulse arc uses and selections
Uses and selection of shielding gases
Selection of alloy wires, solid and tubular, and flux cored
Hardfacing wires
Actual welding time experience
Submerged Arc Welding
Machine settings, polarity uses, voltage, amperage, slope and inductance uses
Granular and agglomerated fluxes and their uses and selections
Operation of flux recovery and processing equipment
Care and operation of solid state electrical systems in submerged arc welding console and welding positioner
Selection of solid wires and tubular wires and their uses
Actual welding time and experience
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Machine settings, polarity uses, voltage amperage, high frequency uses and gas functions and selection
Selection of shielding gases, and their effecton various metals and alloys
Actual welding time experience
Oxygen Acetylene Cutting and Welding
Selection of equipment and gas regulation,cylinder manifolding, pressure settings
Cylinder gas handling and physics of gases
"Safety in Welding and Cutting" (AWS handbook)
Actual time and experience torch cutting,torch welding of steels, brazing and fusion welding, machine torch cutting, hardface weldclading and powder spray torch fusewelding
Metalizing, Fused Metalizing Coatings and ARC-Spray Metalizing
Setting up equipment and preparation of parts tobe processed
Selection and identification of materials in wire form, powdered alloy form
Machine settings and operations
Actual time and experience
Electrical Pratices
Maintenance and repair of electric welding power source units
Basic wiring of primary electric current
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