Communication - Demonstrate how professional attitude and behavior enhances communication among CNA, resident, resident's family and staff.
Communication - Explain how the Nurse Aide promotes independence and residents' rights
Resident Care - Explain how the Nurse Aide promotes independence and residents' rights
Resident Care - Demonstrate effective hand washing techniques following ail rules of asepsis, including hand washing when entering and leaving the residents room.
Resident Care - Recognize safety precautions to avoid resident injuries.
Resident Care - Describe and demonstrate disaster and/or fire escape plans.
Resident Care - Demonstrate practices that reduce the transfer of Infection in residents living area, bathroom and disposal of soiled articles and cleaning equipment after resident use.
Resident Care - Demonstrate the correct use of disposable gloves when In with body fluids, blood, urine, vomitus and saliva.
Resident Care - Demonstrate correct feeding techniques, Identifying safety measures, encouraging independence and how to promote fluid Intake.
Resident Care - Assist or provide a bath using shower, tub, sponge or bed bath while providing: 1. Privacy, 2. Safety, 3. Correct water temperature, 4. Comfort Environment
Resident Care - Encourage independence with appropriate choices with dressing and undressing
Resident Care - Assist residents with urination and bowel elimination needs providing for safety and privacy while using the toilet commode, bedpan or urinal
Resident Care - Demonstrate accurate perineal cleansing to prevent genitourinary infections
Resident Care - Demonstrate safe transfers, using the gate belt and/or mechanical lift from: 1. Bed to chair, 2. Chair to toilet/commode
Resident Care - Identify important body mechanics for personal and resident safety
Resident Care - Demonstrate: 1. Log roll to side of bed, 2. Turn, reposition, 3. Assist resident to sitting position
Resident Care - Assist with ambulation so that the resident feels safe and utilizes assistive devices when needed
Resident Care - Simulate the Heimlich maneuver technique
Resident Care - Assist and/or provide grooming assistance for resident including oral care/mouth, gums, teeth or dentures, nail soaking and cleaning, filing, hair brushing or combing, beard care or shaving. Assist residents dress per resident's choice and
Resident Care - Describe and demonstrate skin care, demonstrate when, what and to whom observations need to be reported
Resident Care - Demonstrate accurate measurement and recording of weight and height measurement and recording of vital signs: 1. Temperature, 2. Pulse, 3. Respirations, 4. Blood pressure
Restorative Care
Resident Rights
Infection Control
Certified Nurse Aide Competencies
Know responsibilities of nurse aide in health care delivery system.
Identify delivery settings.
Name health care profession responsible for actions of the nurse aide.
Demonstrate professional attitude and behavior which enhances communication between the trainee and the resident, resident's family members, and staff.
Describe appropriate confidentiality.
Demonstrate good work ethics, including attendance and positive attitude.
Demonstrate responsiblllty for resident rights by offering choices, promoting Independence, and the client's right to be free from abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Define abuse, neglect, and exploitation; describe proper reporting and consequences of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Practice safety precautions to avoid Injury when having contact with patients. Describe disaster and/or fire escape plans.
Describe oxygen usage and storage.
Demonstrate practices that reduce the transfer of infection in resident's living area, bathroom, disposal of soiled articles, and cleaning equipment after resident use (standard precautions).
Demonstrate effective hand washing techniques following all rules of asepsis, including washing hands when entering and leaving the resident's room.
Use disposable gloves when in contact with body fluids (blood, urine, vomitus, excrement, saliva).
Demonstrate proper disposal of gloves.
Practice safety precautions to avoid Injury to patient with medical concerns.
Demonstrate proper catheter care and discuss safety issues involved In wearing a catheter.
Describe/demonstrate colostomy care.
Demonstrate safe transfer, using the gait belt and/or mechanical Iift from bed to chair and from chair to toilet/commode.
Demonstrate the following procedures: logroll to side of bed, turn, reposition, up to sitting position.
Assist with ambulation, utilizing assistive devices when needed.
Simulate the abdominal thrust (Heimlich maneuver) technique.
Demonstrate proper body alignment and positioning in bed and chair using devices and pillows as necessary.
Demonstrate methods for bed, chair, and wheelchalr to prevent pressure areas.
Make sure equipment is safe and clean and pathway Is clear before transferring.
Be aware of signs or complaints or dizziness.
Demonstrate knowledge of resident safely measures such as Wanderguard system.
Provide for the safety and comfort or patients in their dally needs.
Demonstrate techniques of making an occupied and unoccupied bed using measures to provide for resident's comfort, prevent the transfer of microorganisms while handling linen, and prevent skin irritations/pressure ulcers.
Provide for safety and privacy while using the toilet, commode, bedpan, or urinal.
Observe skin, recognizing need for and providing skin care
Demonstrate feeding techniques, guarding for safety and encouraging independence of resident
Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of fluid intake.
Describe swallowing strategies
Assist patients with personal care
Assist and/or provide oral care to include care of the mouth, gums, teeth, or dentures.
Assist and/or dress/undress, allowing for appropriate personal choices while encouraging independence
Assist with urination and bowel elimination needs, meeting the resident's needs and providing for safety and privacy, while using the toilet, commode, bedpan, or urinal.
Demonstrate appropriate care for incontinent resident, including toileting, perineal care, what and when to report.
Assist and/or provide grooming assistance for resident including oral care-mouth, gums, teeth, or dentures; nail soaking, cleaning, filing; hair brushing/combing; beard care/shaving; selecting appropriate dress for resident's choice and activities.
Describe and demonstrate skin care.
Demonstrate accurate measurement and recording.
Measure height and weight.
Add cubic centimeters.
Record vital signs, including temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure.
Report to supervisor any change in resident's measurements.
Obtain accurate input and output.
Work with patients with special needs.
Describe or demonstrate communication technique with cognitively impaired resident.
Describe/demonstrate maintenance and evaluation of sensory devices such as eye glasses, hearing aids.
Describe how to work with residents who have special needs such as fall, elopement, skin risks, and combativeness.
Describe/demonstrate the care of resident after death
Certified Med Aide Competencies
Outline the roles and responsibilities of the medication aide.
Communicate with and supervise patient to promote therapeutic relations.
Manage skin and wound care within allowed scope of skills.
Correctly identify, prepare, and administer drug therapies within the allowed scope of skills
List forms in which medication is available.
Use common medical abbreviations and names appropriately.
Locate resources for drug information.
Determine how much of a drug to administer.
Use concepts of pharmacodynamlcs, common mathematics, weights, and measure to figure amounts of medication to administer.
Identify how a drug is likely to affect various systems of the human body.
Assess patients' needs regarding medication and their effects.
Discuss how patients may respond to drugs administered.
List the five rights to drug administration.
Document medications administered.
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