Mainframe System Administrator

ONET: 15-1142.00




Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Onboarding and Softskill/Business Software Training
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • IBM Z Xplore
  • IBM z/OS Mainframe Practitioner (3 courses)
  • z/OS REXX Programming Workshop
  • Db2 Fundamentals V12/IBM CICS Video Course Series/Controlling CICS Transaction Server Operations 5.6 /CICS Concepts and Operation Assessment 5.6 /IMS Fundamentals
  • IBM z/OS V2R2 Communications Server TCP/IP / Implementation: Volume 2 Standard Applications (Chapter 3)
  • z/OS System Services Structure
  • SMP/E for z/OS Workshop
On-the-job training
  • Demonstrate teamwork and collaborative behaviors
    • Examples of teamwork and collaboration
    • Feedback from team members and mentors
  • Demonstrate good communication skills
    • Examples of ability to present technical information clearly in both oral and written communications
    • Feedback from team members and mentors on ability to ask relevant questions
  • Understand and model good feedback behaviors
    • Examples of giving and receiving feedback
    • Feedback from team members and mentors
  • Demonstrate a willingness to learn from mentors
    • Feedback from mentors during progress reviews and “learning moments”
  • Demonstrate the importance of using a standard approach to implementing change, adopting a risk mitigation approach
    • Evidence of following formal/informal change management procedures
    • Evidence of assessing risk when implementing changes and having risk effective mitigation plans for assigned projects
    • Evidence of developing a back-out plan for assigned projects
    • Evidence of a test plan when implementing new software/hardware changes
  • Demonstrate an ability to follow process and procedures with accurate and complete documentation
    • Evidence of knowledge of processes and procedures and know where to locate documented procedures as required
    • Create documentation related to implementation of processes and procedures for new or existing implementations
    • Evidence of documentation of technical procedures for internal users or clients
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of structured programming design and its relationship to data structures
    • Demonstrate an understanding of pseudocode.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of variables, operators, constants and data types.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of functions, parameters and recursion.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of arrays.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of APIs.
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of Mainframe terminology and basic concepts
    • Describe and compare various System z components: Frame layout and cage usage
    • Describe and compare various System z components: Server models, books, memory, and cache structure
    • Describe and compare various System z components: Performance and millions of service units (MSUs) (note: Covered in glossary)
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of mainframe hardware components and the structured nature of the Mainframe I/O architecture
    • Describe what IBM Z physical components are used when processing instructions and performing an I/O operation (Also covered in Mainframe Architecture and Mainframe Features).
    • Describe the CoD provisioning architecture and which servers can use it
    • Describe how logical partitioning is used, resource assignments
    • Describe mainframe channels, usage, and CHPID assignments
    • Describe the purpose and use of HCD
    • Identify mainframe operating systems and their supported mainframe servers
    • Describe the various queues that are used to dispatch work (Also Mainframe Features)
    • Describe the difference between a base and Parallel Sysplex (Covered in JES & JCL Part 1 and next several sections. Introduced in Why Use Mainframe)
    • List Parallel Sysplex main characteristics
    • Describe the purpose and use of the coupling facility Identify processor architectural modes and their supported addressing implementations: Address spaces
    • Describe the purpose and use of the coupling facility Identify processor architectural modes and their supported addressing implementations: Virtual addressing
    • Describe the purpose and use of the coupling facility Identify processor architectural modes and their supported addressing implementations: Storage usage
    • Introduced in Mainframe Architecture and explained further in z/OS System Libraries. Also covered in Application Infrastructure and z/OS Components.
    • Use system commands to display active address spaces and identify their current status
    • Describe the high level interaction between z/OS, CSS, and I/O devices during I/O processing
    • Describe the role of the HMC and SE for System z servers
    • Identify and change the HMC user interface style Identify CPC and image objects usage on the HMC
    • Locate the documentation that List program management services that z/OS provides
    • Locate the documentation that List main elements and optional features of the z/OS system
    • Explain system libraries, their use, and methods for managing their content
    • Describe the responsibilities of JES (Covered in JES & JCL Part 1 and next several sections).
    • Describe the use of traditional DB/DC applications like CICS, IMS, and DB2 on z/OS (And Part 2, plus proceeding sections)
    • Describe the purpose of the Language Environment (Specifically covered in Language Environment but broadly covered in the course it’s within).
    • Describe the support provided for object-oriented application development on z/OS (Briefly covered in JES & JCL Part 1 but this is mostly pre-req knowledge covered in section 7).
    • Explain the differences between authorization and authentication (Covered in z/OS Security and Transaction Level Security)
    • Describe the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) - Covered in QUIZ in reference to glossary.
    • Describe the purpose and benefit of z/OS Management Facility
    • List SDSF commands used to display jobs, active users, and tasks (Exercise 2)
    • Demonstrate knowledge of how to filter SDSF output based on DEST, PREFIX, OWNER and SYSNAME (Exercise 1 and 2)
    • Describe the main features of UNIX System Services (USS) in z/OS
    • Describe briefly the UNIX shell and utilities
    • Describe the hierarchical file system. Describe the application services provided in USS
    • Describe how to start and manage a process in USS
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of access method concepts in MVS and the structure and design of VSAM files
    • Discuss VSAM data set creation through JCL
    • Describe the following data sets and how they are used and accessed (random or sequential): KSDS
    • Describe the following data sets and how they are used and accessed (random or sequential): ESDS
    • Describe the following data sets and how they are used and accessed (random or sequential): RRDS
    • Describe the following data sets and how they are used and accessed (random or sequential): LDS
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of the associated software and system components that comprise a z/OS System, their purpose and how they interact
    • Demonstrate example of how z/OS provides support for On Demand Business
    • Describe how security is ensured in a z/OS environment (Covered in z/OS Security and proceeding sections).
    • Characterize the major products and facilities that support z/OS systems
    • Describe z/OS connectivity, communication facilities, and interfaces (Mainframe Architecture, Mainframe Features, Why Use Mainframe)
    • Describe the concept, strategy, and benefits of the z/OS environment (Mainframe Architecture, Mainframe Features, Why Use Mainframe)
    • Describe security support provided by z/OS (And proceeding sections)
    • Describe the different types of Systems Management support (SMP/E, SMF, and RMF)
    • Describe the scalability, availability, backup, and recovery features in z/OS (Mainframe Features, Sysplex)
    • Describe System Services support (storage management, job management, work management, data sets, and data set management) (z/OS Components, Working with Datasets )
  • Demonstrate basic understanding and application of the concepts and facilities of TSO and IBM’s Interactive System Productivity (ISPF), including familiarization with the Editors
    • Log on to TSO and navigate through ISPF/PDF dialogs and use the basic ISPF/PDF functions and the ISPF Editor
    • Use ISPF/PDF to allocate data sets and edit data sets (including hierarchical file system replace with ZFS as previously stated bfiles) using the ISPF Editor primary and line commands
    • Use ISPF to create and manipulate (copy, rename, delete, list, sort, and merge) data sets
    • List attributes of TSO/E
    • Name the three data set types
    • Describe the attributes of data set names
    • Use line and prefix commands while editing data set
    • Describe and use TSO/E commands
    • Invoke a REXX exec and TSO CLIST
    • Invoke UNIX processes
    • Manipulate HFS directories and file systems using the UNIX SystemServices ISHELL
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of the structure of ICF catalogs and the related VTOC and index VTOC
    • Describe the classical z/OS data management: DASD init: VTOC, VTOC index
    • Describe the classical z/OS data management: ICF catalog creation: BCS, VVDS 13.1.3 MCAT/UCAT
    • Describe the classical z/OS data management: DCAMS utility
    • DFSMS: DFSMSdss, DFSMShsmDescribe the classical z/OS data management:
    • Describe the classical z/OS data management: Data, storage, and management classes
    • Describe the classical z/OS data management: Define a zFS file system
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of the hierarchical and relational DBMS
    • Explain how databases are used in a typical online business.
    • Describe two models for network connectivity for large systems
    • Explain the role of DB2 in online transaction processing
    • List common DB2 data structures
    • Describe how SQL works on z/OS
    • Give an overview of application programming with DB2
    • Explain what the IMS components are
    • Describe the structure of the IMS DB subsystem
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of the concepts, functions and facilities of CICS
    • Describe the role of large systems in a typical online business
    • List the attributes common to most transaction systems
    • Explain the role of CICS in online transaction processing
    • Describe CICS programs, CICS transactions, and CICS tasks
    • Discuss the CICS IMS components
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of how security is implemented on the mainframe
    • List and describe the basic features and concepts of zSeries architecture and of the z/OS operating system as they relate to security administration
    • Identify the security requirements of a system
    • Describe the components of network security
    • Describe how security is handled in USS
    • Use the basic facilities and features of the implemented security product
    • Use the security product to define users and protect resources
  • Knowledge: Have a basic understanding of file transfer tools, concepts and configurations
    • Connect to a remote host to get/put files
    • Describe Managed File Transfer including auditability, security, recoverability and platform connectivity.
  • Have a basic understanding of how to use and exploit the additional utilities/ facilities/ program products widely utilized within an enterprise mainframe environment
    • Describe the system initialization process of the z/OS operating systems
    • State the differences between an address space, data space, and hyperspace
    • Describe the basic process of translating a virtual address to a real address (IPL and Mainframe Architecture)
    • Explain the difference between paging and swapping (Note, swapping is described but the term swapping is not used. This is generally an Intel/PC term.)
    • Describe how a z/OS task is created. (z/OS Components and JES & JCL 1)
    • Describe dispatching, interrupt processing, supervisor calls, cross memory services, and serialization
    • Describe the purpose of the Job Entry Subsystem (JES)
    • Illustrate the flow of a job through the z/OS environment
    • Describe the allocation process for data sets in the z/OS environments
    • Illustrate how an I/O request is processed in a z/OS environment
    • Describe how workload management is accomplished in a z/OS environment (Covered in Introduction to System Programming, z/OS Components, Mainframe Features, Sysplex)
    • Explain the z/OS recovery processes and list available Problem Determination Tools
    • Describe z/OS storage management concepts (z/OS Components)
    • Describe the UNIX System Services functions provided in the z/OS environments
    • Explain the network topologies and protocol support provided in z/OS
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of what can go wrong in a mainframe environment
    • Select the appropriate IBM publication to provide further technical information (SRLs, Technical Bulletins, Self-study and other z/OS courses)
  • Demonstrate basic understanding and ability of how to code or update job control statements with sound syntax to execute mainframe programs and access datasets following local practices and standards
    • Use JOB, EXEC, DD and COMMENT statements in a multistep job
    • Explain JCL errors, return codes, and ABENDs
    • Use the functions of system and data set utility programs
    • Use the COND parameter and conditional execution of job steps
    • Use various record formats supported by z/OS
    • Use blocked and unblocked data sets
    • Discuss system-determined block size
    • Awareness of SMS-managed data sets Differentiate between PDS and PDSE data sets
    • Describe a procedure
    • Differentiate between a cataloged procedure and in-stream procedure
    • Describe procedure modifications through overriding, adding, or nullifying parameters
    • Compare the PROC and EXEC statements for supplying symbolic parameters
    • Code or identify and describe basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for: Creating new data sets
    • Code or identify and describe basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for: Referencing existing data sets
    • Code or identify and describe basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for: Condition code testing
    • Code or identify and describe basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for: IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF constructs
    • Code or identify and describe basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for: Generation data groups
    • Code or identify and describe basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for: Output routing
    • Code or identify and describe basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for: Invoking a program and passing PARM parameters
    • Using the DISP parameter
    • Identify Storage Management Subsystem requirements and: code or identify and describe in an existing job: instream and cataloged procedures
    • Identify Storage Management Subsystem requirements and: code or identify and describe in an existing job: symbolic parameters in procedures
    • Identify Storage Management Subsystem requirements and: code or identify and describe in an existing job: procedure overrides and additions super
    • Identify Storage Management Subsystem requirements and: code or identify and describe in an existing job: selected utility programs
    • Identify Storage Management Subsystem requirements and: code or identify and describe in an existing job: tape processing facilities
    • Code or identify the sort and merge control statements and associated JCL statements
    • Tailor existing JCL and submit batch jobs
    • Use symbolic parameters to modify procedures
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of and ability on how to create and use programs written in the REXX language
    • Write and execute a program using the REXX language using various data parsing techniques and built-in REXX functions
    • Create user-defined internal and external functions and subroutines
    • Issue host commands from within REXX execs
    • Code programs that read and write data sets
    • Use instructions and commands that manipulate the data stack
    • Explain how a CLIST differs from a REXX exec
  • Demonstrate basic understanding to know when to exploit IBM utility programs such as IEBGENER, IDCAMS etc.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the utility control statements appropriate for: IEBGENER
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the utility control statements appropriate for: IEBPTPCH
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the utility control statements appropriate for: IEHLIST
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the utility control statements appropriate for: IDCAMS
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of HCD
    • Identify and discuss the HCD definition process sequence
    • Demonstrate how the HCD dialogs are used to define a configuration
    • Demonstrate knowledge in how to connect peripheral devices
    • Assist with the connection of peripheral devices when possible
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of the use of SMP/E to manage the deployment and lifecycle of mainframe software products
    • Use the SMP/E dialogs to install a product and its related service
    • Manage exception SYSMOD data
    • Use primary and secondary data sets as required by SMP/E
    • Analyze output from SMP/E processing and resolve commonly encountered problems
    • Use the REPORT command to determine software dependencies between zones
    • Use the BUILDMCS process to create a function SYSMOD from an installed product and its service
    • Use SMP/E functions to install software service automatically over the internet
    • Implement support for communication server FTP client
    • Use the RECEIVE ORDER command to order and install z/OS maintenance automatically over the Internet
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of how to Perform and upgrade a major product in a production
    • Demonstrate basic knowledge of:
    • Implementation plans
    • Risk assessments
    • Back out plans
    • Test plans
    • Change management processes to execute the implementation plan
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