Early Childhood Education Specialist 1: Maine Youth Development Credential

ONET: 39-9011.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Links to Learning: Curriculum Planning in Out-of-School Time
  • Foundations of Health, Wellness, and Safety
  • Your Professional Development Portfolio
  • Working with School-Age Children and Youth
  • Creating Inclusive Youth Development Settings
  • Partners in Caring - Families and Caregivers
On-the-job training
  • Understands the Principles of Child Growth and Development
    • Nurtures relationships with children and youth by valuing each child's individuality.
    • Recognizes the major milestones of development for children and youth ages 5-15 across the different domains.
    • Plans program to meet all children and youth's individual learning goals and needs, including children and youth with special needs.
    • Maintains a positive climate and is responsive to children and youth's perspectives.
    • Demonstrates basic understanding of "developmental assets" and their positive impact on children and youth.
    • Develops lessons and activities incorporating active, hands-on exploration and application. Ensures appropriate room arrangement and design for effective use of space.
    • Understands the behaviors of children and youth in the context of typical development.
  • Supports Children's Social and Emotional Development
    • Provides a welcoming atmosphere for children, youth and families.
    • Encourages children to express themselves in safe and appropriate ways that supports self-regulation.
    • Establishes and communicates limits for acceptable behavior. Addresses inappropriate behaviors or situations rather than labeling youth.
    • Utilizes quality practice strategies, including mediation, conflict resolution and others to prevent bullying and harassment.
    • Intervenes to explicitly address negative stereotyping and discriminatory practices when they occur.
  • Advancing Children's Physical and Intellectual Development
    • Models physical activity by being physically active, both indoors and outdoors.
    • Demonstrates an understanding that lesson plans are the blueprint for implementing curriculum and follows an activity plan that includes youth input.
    • Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of providing youth with independent access to learning materials.
    • Recognizes basic temperament/personality differences and their possible influences on development.
    • Utilizes experiential learning activities to expand and support the daytime school program and includes core competencies and the Maine K-12 Learning Results intentionally in program planning.
  • Observing and Recording Children's Behavior
    • Uses age-appropriate expectations as the basis for observation.
    • Assists with the collection of information about child and youth behavior, development and interests.
    • Communicates observations in written and oral form in cooperation with supervisor or staff team (if applicable.)
    • Understands and maintains confidentiality regarding observation of children and youth.
  • Planning a Safe and Healthy Learning Environment
    • Develops a process for daily health and safety checks of indoor and outdoor environments to ensure the safety of school age children and youth.
    • Promotes good health and provides an environment that contributes to the prevention of illness and accidents through appropriate supervision.
    • Practices, models and assists children and youth in appropriate hygienic techniques, including handwashing, sanitizing and the cleanliness of the environment.
    • Assists in promoting protective factors to prevent child abuse and neglect; refers families to the Department of Health and Human Services' Child Protective Services as required by law.
    • Assists with required emergency procedures.
  • Building Productive Relationships with Families
    • Demonstrates ability to support relationships between youth, families, schools and communities by sharing information.
    • Connects daily with families and children to make them feel welcomed, safe and respected.
    • Views children in the context of their family and their culture.
    • Demonstrates respectful interest in learning about each family's values, beliefs, faith traditions, cultural influences, family structure and circumstances.
    • Recognizes and supports cultural differences and diverse family structures and socioeconomic or educational realities.
  • Managing an Effective Program Operation
    • Maintains cooperative, respectful interactions and supports the Employer's and or school's policies.
    • Contributes to effective, purpose and respectful team communications to promote continuous program improvement.
    • Demonstrates understanding of and on-going compliance with Child Care Licensing and other regulations or requirements.
    • Engages youth in all aspects of program planning and evaluation.
    • Demonstrates knowledge of program's policies and procedures.
  • Maintaining a Commitment to Professionalism
    • Communicates positively and effectively using appropriate verbal, nonverbal and written messages
    • Demonstrates effective customer service assuring respect for families' culture and language.
    • Assures personal safety and actively communicates with supervisor.
    • Establishes and maintains professional boundaries including confidentiality and impartiality.
    • Promotes community partnerships and community resources.
    • Demonstrates knowledge of applicable regulations and laws pertaining to working with children and youth at the local, state and national levels, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
    • Assesses self, values and ethics as they impact work with families.
    • Completes mandated trainings and maintains required certifications
    • Seeks opportunities for ongoing professional growth; implements to improve practice and share with colleagues as appropriate.
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