Career Development Technician

ONET: 13-1071.01






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Career Coaching Do’s and Don’ts Insights from a College Career Coach Coaching for Results
  • Corporate Training Conflict Resolution
  • Corporate Training Soft Skills
  • Corporate Training Business Writing
  • Corporate Training Coaching and Mentoring
  • Corporate Training Communication Strategies
  • Corporate Training Teamwork and Team Building
On-the-job training
  • Communicate Professional Knowledge
    • Apply relevant theory and research about adult learning and motivation.
    • Apply basic principles of group work and facilitation cooperative learning, conflict resolution and behavior management.
    • Apply strategies of community consensus-building, mobilization and advocacy.
    • Apply “best practices” from a workforce development approach.
  • Communicate with client directly and through the Expression of Attitude
    • Effectively communicate with client and facilitate discussion both one-on-one and in group settings.
    • Demonstrate effective listening skills by listening to what other people are saying and asking appropriate questions
    • Apply skills helping skills principles (e.g., confidentiality, problem solving, and conflict resolution and referrals).
    • Demonstrate concern about the well-being of others interest in feelings and experiences of others; support the self-esteem of others.
    • Demonstrate a belief in the potential and empowerment of all clients.
    • Demonstrate awareness of commonalities and differences (such as gender, race, ethnicity, class and religion) among adults of diverse backgrounds and appreciation of differing talents, sexual orientation, and faith.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of negotiating skills by addressing clients concerns and arriving at a win-win solution.
    • Maintain appropriate “boundaries” (such as roles responsibilities, relationships and confidentiality) with adults.
    • Demonstrate leadership qualities.
    • Challenge self defeating attitudes of clients in a supportive manner.
  • Assessment/Individual Planning
    • Observe and talk with clients to assess individual goals, interests, concerns and competencies, and to do so with an appreciation of their community context.
    • Prepare next steps with client in achieving individual career goals.
    • Select, administer and interpret standardized assessment instruments for assessing individual interests and competencies.
    • Track and evaluate participant progress, revise individual service strategy plans as appropriate, and coordinate necessary resources.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of personal money management by assisting client with setting realistic financial goals and developing a plan to achieve those goals (e.g., spending plan, record of daily expenses and understanding fixed and variable expenses).
    • Demonstrate ability to recognize individual strengths and barriers which may affect career activities.
    • Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of usefulness of formal assessments.
  • Program Design and Delivery
    • Apply “best practices” models to the design, implementation continuous improvement and evaluation of organizational programs and practices to make it more effective.
    • Initiate, enable, and sustain group interactions and relationships through the completion of an ongoing activity or project.
    • Design and implement social and cognitive developmental opportunities for client (e.g., critical thinking skills and reasoning ability).
    • Foster and promote multi-cultural understanding.
    • Design and implement life skills classes and workshops on job readiness.
    • Assist client in acquiring positive decision making skills.
  • Relationship to Community
    • Demonstrate a willingness to search for and retain information about communities with cultural and economic backgrounds different from their own.
    • Maintain relationships and demonstrate working knowledge of non-center partner organizations.
    • Demonstrate an awareness of the array, mission and referral processes of community agencies and organizations that serve adults and families.
  • Administrative Skills
    • Maintain records (e.g., case notes, program data and other statistical records related to job placement and retention.
    • Demonstrate ability to write effective reports, case studies, notes and letters.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of time management strategies.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of team development (e.g. identifying roles of team members.)
    • Demonstrate knowledge and application of appropriate technologies to the task at hand (e.g., specific computer applications, internet).
    • Demonstrate knowledge and application of program objectives.
  • Workforce Preparation
    • Assess career interests through the use of appropriate instruments, e.g., interest inventories, personality measures multiple aptitude or achievement batteries combined instruments.
    • Assess job readiness of clients through the evaluation of interview skills, job keeping skills, and social skills.
    • Conduct career readiness training which includes workshops and courses that cover career topics such as resume writing, interview skills, job hunting, job keeping skills and completion of applications.
    • Demonstrate ability to recognize strengths and barriers which may affect career training activities.
  • Career Exploration
    • Assist clients with development of Career Development Plan.
    • Utilize current labor market information, and other post-secondary information materials which assist clients identify individual preferences and skills.
    • Assist client with making informed decisions about future career goals by utilizing computerized career information delivery system.
    • Apply knowledge of education, training and resources that provides information about job functions, salaries, requirements and future outlooks.
  • Resource Development
    • Create and maintain relationships with the educational systems, (e.g., secondary, post secondary and others).
    • Conduct community assessments and identify under used resources to assist in providing employment, training and support services resources.
    • Assist clients with services available through One Stop Centers.
    • Coordinate employer outreach with other workforce development agencies in the community and utilize employer advisory councils for education and workforce preparation programs.
  • Employer Relations
    • Coordinate job search activities with employment service staff, employer, and client creates and maintains relationships with employer to insure client job retention.
    • Demonstrate conflict resolutions skills to resolve problems with employer and client to increase client job retention.
    • Have working knowledge of employer needs and concerns.
    • Monitor on the job performance to ensure client’s succession the workplace.
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