Direct Guidance with Curriculum Leaders (Pedagogy)
Classroom Management
SPED, Food Service, Pupil Accounting, School Improvements
On-the-job training
Within the first week of school, request a meeting with your building-level supervisor and mentor teacher to introduce yourself and review school expectations.
Follow the schedule provided for daily routines, including assigned duties and meetings.
Utilize school system email to respond to all communication from colleagues (principal, Superintendent, RTI Instructors, and Michigan Dept. of Education (MDE) staff) within 24-48 hours.
Utilize FERPA guidelines to ensure the separation of personal and professional relationships.
Follow the policies and procedures as outlined in the respective district’s school-level handbook, and their Code of Ethics.
Follow expectations for the daily use of time-keeping software.
Follow expectations for the use of the substitute request system as needed.
Actively participate in all scheduled Professional Development training.
Observe three parent-teacher conferences/meetings; review and discuss takeaways with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal following the meeting.
Pre-plan and role-play the content of three parent-teacher conferences with Mentor, and actively participate in the scheduled conference; review and discuss takeaways with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal following the meeting.
Review the Use of Data on the State Testing Data reports (M-STEP, MI-ACCESS, SAT, AND PSAT) and work with a mentor teacher to set two goals related to this indicator. Share goals with the building-level administrator.
Actively participate in all scheduled Professional Development training and implement the use of PD learnings immediately and ongoing in the following weeks and receive feedback from Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal.
Reinforce the rules and procedures for student learning and behavior in the classroom.
Communicate with students using positive, professional, and compassionate language and tone.
Review an individualized behavior intervention plan (formal or informal), collect or assist mentor teacher in collecting student data, and reflect with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal on next steps.
Collaborate weekly with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal to determine instructional roles; reflect on the implementation of roles before setting roles for the next week.
Review the Use of Data on the State Testing Data reports (M-STEP, MI-ACCESS, SAT, AND PSAT) and work with a mentor teacher to set two goals related to this indicator. Share goals with the building-level administrator.
In conjunction with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal, identify a student in need of an individualized behavior intervention plan, collaborate to establish and communicate expectations of the plan, collect student data, and reflect with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal on next steps.
Review and make notes on curriculum documents prior to collaboration (i.e. unit starters, standards, lesson plans, etc.).
Attend and bring required materials to grade-level collaboration and staff development.
Document conversations with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal (outside of grade-level collaborative planning) describing weekly responsibilities for roles within the classroom.
Meet with SPED staff to review an IEP for at least one student in your class/grade level prior to attending an IEP meeting every two months.
Observe each of the following SPED offerings within your school one time during the school year: skills-based intervention, speech and language, and extended resources.
Prepare lesson materials (i.e. make copies, gather materials, set up learning stations, etc.)
Utilize backward design: Review and make notes on district and school assessments prior to common planning for a unit. Demonstrate ability to set goals before choosing instructional methods.
Review the IEP of each student in your class/grade level within the first 4 weeks of school; discuss the use of the at-a-glance reports with the Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal.
Observe an eligibility meeting and the follow-up IEP meeting for that same student.
Create one school-level assessment per semester and collaborate with the Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal to ensure standard alignment before sharing with the grade level team during common planning.
Work with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal to collect data related to the goals of the IEP of at least one student and determine the effectiveness of the intervention.
Follow a child who has been identified through multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) through the process: consent to test through eligibility and possible IEP.
Post daily clear target.
Introduce and deconstruct the clear target to the class.
Effectively distribute materials to and collect materials from students.
Replicate established transition routines when changing activities during the day.
Observe two lessons every month, utilizing the Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) Observation Tool to take notes about the parts of the lesson observed.
Reflect on EDI Observations with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal.
Collaborate with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal to write one clear target per week.
When co-teaching, refer back to the clear target at appropriate times during instruction.
Within district resources, choose the most effective materials to support the lesson objective, engage students, and provide opportunities for student-to-student interaction.
Using the EDI framework, plan and co-teach a unit of study every week.
Reflect on the unit of study instruction with Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal.
Create all of the clear targets for one unit of instruction.
Effectively refer back to clear target throughout the entire lesson.
The TR/apprentice will facilitate instruction and receive feedback from Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal MCL on time involved in transitions, distributing materials, and the structure between beginning, middle, and end of the lesson.
Using the EDI framework, independently plan and teach a unit of study every two weeks.
The TR/apprentice will receive feedback from Mentor, Asst. Principal/Principal throughout the unit of study and make instructional adjustments based on feedback.
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