Farm Manager (Livestock, only)

ONET: 11-9013.00






Related instructions


On-the-job training
Classroom instruction topics
  • Basic Livestock Production OR Basic Corp Production
  • Soil Health and Weed Control
  • Pest and Parasite Control
  • Equipment and Machinery Operation and Farm Maintenance
  • Business Management and Marketing
  • Personnel Management and Leadership
  • Health and Safety on the Farm
  • Connecting the Dots: Networking and Other Resources
On-the-job training
  • Basic Livestock Production
    • Collect and record growth, production, and environmental data
    • Practice the breeding or raising of stock, such as cattle, swine, poultry, or honeybees using recognized breeding practices to ensure stock improvement
    • Coordinate the selection and maintenance of brood stock
  • Basic Crop or Plant Production
    • Collect and record growth, production, and environmental data
    • Participate in or conduct crop production operations, such as planning, tilling, planting, fertilizing, cultivating, spraying, and harvesting
    • Determine plant growing conditions, such as greenhouses, hydroponics, or natural settings, and set planting, irrigation, and care schedules
  • Soil Health and Weed Control
    • Analyze soil to determine types or quantities of fertilizer or other inputs required for maximum crop or forage production
    • Collect soil samples and understand lab analysis reports
    • Implement soil improvement and weed control practices such as cover crops, composting, crop/animal rotation, soil additives and inoculants, prescribed burning, and tarping
  • Pest and/or Parasite Control
    • Participate in or conduct pest scouting with crops or stock examinations with livestock to identify diseases or parasites
    • Replace chemical insecticides with environmentally friendly practices, such as integrated pest management practices
  • Equipment and Machinery Operation and Farm Maintenance
    • Inspect facilities and equipment for signs of disrepair, and perform necessary maintenance work
    • Adjust, repair, and service farm machinery and notify supervisors when machinery malfunctions
    • Aid in the construction and maintenance of farm or ranch structures, such as buildings, fences, drainage systems, wells, or roads
    • Operate or tend equipment used in agricultural production, such as tractors, combines, planting, and irrigation equipment.
    • Drive trucks to haul crops, supplies, tools, or farmworkers.
  • Business Management and Marketing
    • Assist with analyzing market conditions to determine acreage allocations and estimate production needs
    • Participate in clerical, record-keeping, inventory requisitioning, and marketing activities
    • Determine how to allocate resources and to respond to unanticipated problems, such as insect infestation, drought, and fire
    • Negotiate with buyers for the sale, storage, or shipment, crops, or livestock
    • Evaluate marketing or sales alternatives for products
  • Personnel Management and Leadership
    • Maintain financial, operational, production, or employment records for farms or ranches
    • Direct and/or monitor the activities of work crews, employees, or volunteers engaged in farming activities
  • Health and Safety on the Farm
    • Inspect facilities and equipment for sings of disrepair, and perform necessary maintenance work
    • Understand and comply with policies relating to operations administration and standards, facility maintenance, and safety
  • Networking, Exploring Farmer Resources, Social Issues, and Agritourism
    • Representing the farm business at public events on the farm of the farm including markets and fairs, networking events, trade shows, stakeholder meetings, and agritourism activities
    • Planning, participating in, applying for, and evaluating new income streams, grant opportunities, and other resources related to agritourism, social justice, environmental conservation, and or natural resource enhancement on the farm
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