Farm Manager, Vegetable Production

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 11-9013.00






Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Crop Production
  • Soil Health
  • Ecologically Based Pest Management
  • Equipment and Machinery
  • Business Management & Marketing
  • Social Implications of Ag Systems
  • Seasonal Extension
  • Post-Harvest Handling and Crop Quality
On-the-job Training
  • Crop Production
    • Crop planning
    • Variety selection
    • Transplanting
    • Direct seeding
    • Greenhouse management
    • Irrigation
    • Field prep
    • Field management
    • Harvesting
  • Soil Health
    • Soil Properties
    • Soil quality assessment
    • Cover crops
    • Crop rotation
    • Compost
  • Ecologically-Based Pest Management (weeds, insects, diseases)
    • Beneficial insects
    • Natural habitat mngt
    • Managing arthropod pests
    • Managing plant diseases
    • Weed management
    • Intercropping
  • Equipment and Machinery
    • Proper tool use
    • Maintain equipment
    • Manage supplies
    • Maintain farm infrastructure
    • Tractor safety
    • Tractor use and maintenance
  • Business Management & Marketing
    • Farm enterprises
    • Farm budget
    • Employee & labor management
    • Financial Management
    • Who should you know?
    • Marketing
    • Online marketing
    • Certifications
  • Social Implications of Ag Systems
    • Development of US Agriculture
    • Environmental issues in modern agriculture
    • Nourish family & community relations
    • Social justice in agriculture
  • Season Extension
    • Tunnel production
    • Variety selection
    • Row covers
    • Mulching
  • Post Harvest Handling & Crop Quality
    • Food safety
    • Post harvest handling & quality
    • Packing
    • Storage
    • Shipping & delivery
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