Manufacturing Production Technician II

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 17-3029.09




On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • First Year Experience
  • General Elective
  • Introduction to Computer Applications
  • Fundamentals of Chemistry with Lab
  • College Math for Technologies
  • Supervisory Management
  • College Composition
On-the-job Training
  • General Safety Qualifications
    • Understands Emergency Procedures: evacuation, muster point, exit points.
    • Locates eye-wash/safety showers stations
    • Identifies location of fire extinguishers and fire hoses
    • Knows how to activate a fire alarm
    • Wears appropriate PPE, and can explain PPE required when dealing with electricity
    • Understands, explains in depth, and uses "Lock out/Tag out" and access LOCO on the internet
    • Keeps work area clean and organized
    • Consistently works safely and is knowledgeable the Safety Policy and Safety Mission Statement
    • Locates and describes the function and location for safety barriers such as gates
    • Discuss the importance of filling out our "near miss" and "incident reports" and knows who to contact in the event of a "near miss" or incident
    • Has completed safety inspections or has participated in other safety related activities
    • Can locate and explain, in detail, permit requirements for both hot work and confined space
    • Describes what to do if he/she detects a solder in a cable tray
    • Can explain and/or demonstrate how to be Confined Space Attendance, what he/she does, and what are the restrictions
    • Can explain how to use the confined space gas meter
    • All annual OSHA required training is complete within last 12 months
    • Has completed overhead crane safety within last 11 months
    • Can access and use Compliant Pro to review Incident Reports and SDS
  • Skill Assessments and Field Certifications
    • Soft Skills and Operational Excellence - a) LEAN Production - Toyota Way
    • Tissue Machine - Screening Theory
    • Tissue Machine - Refining Theory
    • Tissue Machine - Vacuum System
    • Tissue Machine - Forming Section
    • Tissue Machine - Yankee Doctor Blades and Solenis Vibration Analysis
    • Tissue Machine - Felt and Wire Doctors
    • Tissue Machine - Felt and Wire Guiders
    • Tissue Machine - Showering Strategies
    • Tissue Machine - Suction Press Roll
    • Tissue Machine - General Chemistry
    • Tissue Machine - SCT Chemistry
    • Tissue Machine - Yankee Coating Chemistry
    • Tissue Machine - Hood System
    • Tissue Machine - Threading System
    • Tissue Machine - Steam System
    • Tissue Machine - Water Clarification/DAF
    • Tissue Machine - Dry End and Hydraulics
    • Tissue Machine - Machine Operator
    • Tissue Machine - Acelli Shaft Puller
    • Tissue Machine - Reel section and foils/sheet handling
    • Other Knowledge Areas - Crane & Rigging
    • Other Knowledge Areas - Lab Testing
    • Other Knowledge Areas - Machine Clothing
    • Other Knowledge Areas - Computer Systems in the Control Room
    • Other Requirements - 1. Candidate has safely changed out at least 15 doctor blades
    • Other Requirements - 2. Candidate has assisted and completed a minimum of three grade changes
    • Other Requirements - 3. Candidate had assisted and completed a minimum of two start ups
    • Other Requirements - 4. Candidate has cleaned out and has demonstrated how to clean out the magnet traps for the refiners.
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