Apprenticeship Administrator – Workforce Development Specialist







Related instructions


On-the-job training
Classroom instruction topics
  • Software Training (program specific)
  • WIN Data Day
  • Business Communication
  • WIN Project Team Training
  • Meeting Facilitation
  • Composition I
  • WIN Orientation
On-the-job training
  • Project Management and Coordination
    • Thoroughly understand specific project deliverables before commencing work by asking clarifying questions to WIN leadership team members and/or partners.
    • Make informed recommendations related to determining the best partners and/or resources to be used for each task or project.
    • Track time spent on projects or tasks for specific partners in order to accurately account for project labor costs.
    • Independently manage time spent on project during work days to maximize productivity.
    • Upon request, develop summary reports indicating the status of project activity. Include both narrative summaries, and visual aids like graphs and charts where appropriate.
    • Identify and resolve conflicts, complaints and other issues raised by colleagues or other partners on a case by case basis, in a timely manner.
    • Use effective time-management techniques to meet deadlines for all given tasks or projects, and communicate with supervisors regarding challenges meeting deadlines, as necessary.
    • Use effective communication management to maintain relationships with partners, and to effectively collaborate with internal and external colleagues.
    • Demonstrate appropriate etiquette when communicating with different types of colleagues, and on varied communication platforms (email, phone, in-person, instant message, etc.) in accordance with a provided style guide (if applicable).
    • Use spreadsheet software or project management software to create and consistently maintain clear and concise project plans. Include milestones, time constraints, and task owners.
    • Flag and escalate issues with meeting project deadlines and milestones, and enact alternative approaches to achieving milestones as needed, e.g. re-assigning tasks, escalation to supervisor level, or adjusting the project plan.
    • Research and find grant funding sources relevant to the organization's strategic plan. Demonstrate ability to locate sources for grants on various websites and identify those relevant to the organization.
    • Develop a proposal outline based on a given funding opportunity announcement or RFP/RFQ. Be sure to address key deliverables and desired outcomes found in the RFP.
    • Draft a funding proposal and, paying close mind to version control, seek feedback and input from colleagues and partners as appropriate.
    • Read and interpret an RFP/RFQ to determine desired deliverables and outcomes, and determine whether a proposal is appropriate.
    • Identify possible partners on grant proposals and clearly define proposed roles and responsibilities of each.
  • Presentation
    • Develop presentations and other materials using provided WIN presentation templates.
    • Effectively present various audiences with information about relevant WIN programs to expand partnerships and implementation of programs.
    • Draft a presentation for an upcoming event or meeting, and review it with your supervisor and/or relevant colleagues. Incorporate feedback and obtain final approval.
    • Draft a presentation for an upcoming event or meeting and conduct several "dry runs" in order to ensure that the presentation falls within the allotted time.
  • Team Building
  • Research Policy and Legislation
    • Maintain a general knowledge base about workforce development issues such as apprenticeship, skills gaps, public policy, etc., through online research, news articles, email newsletters, and other resources.
    • Given a set of media pieces identify the platform and mission statement of each, paying mind to particular biases that may appear in each organization’s publications about workforce development topics.
    • Upon request, given a topic or question related to workforce development policy, research and produce summary reports to share with supervisors and colleagues.
    • Monitor government policy. Study and describe its implications on the workforce.
    • Understand the difference between state and federal workforce development policy, and understand the basic workforce development policies at each level.
  • Records and Data Management
    • Maintain, update, and comply with standard procedures for file management.
    • Maintain complete files for each apprentice and apprenticeship program, as required by the Department of Labor and internal standard procedures.
    • Comply with procedures for obtaining needed data and documentation from apprentices, employers, and RTI provider(s), including but not limited to work process hours, RTI completion records, and proof of wage increases.
    • Prepare for and participate in successful DOL audits of apprenticeship records. Resolve any findings in a timely manner.
    • Maintain current signed copies of all apprentice and employer agreements.
    • Upon request, construct and produce aggregate and individual reports of apprentice progress against defined work process and RTI requirements.
    • Identify the three main elements of registered apprenticeship programs.
    • Identify the three main stakeholders in a registered apprenticeship program.
    • Demonstrate ability to access contact information for registered apprenticeship stakeholders, including those within DOL OA, community colleges, etc.
    • Describe each section within a set of apprenticeship standards, and identify which sections can be customized. Describe various ways that the standards may be customized.
    • Given a job description for a given job, find an appropriate DOL apprenticeable occupation that fits the job description.
    • Build a customized set of apprenticeship standards by updating individual sections within the document to meet the needs of a particular employer.
    • Build a customized Work Process Schedule based on a provided sample program.
    • Build a customized Related Technical Instruction schedule based on a provided sample program.
    • Add a new trade to WIN's apprenticeship standards by developing a draft Appendix A and achieving approval from the DOL OA.
    • Use labor market data, articles, studies, etc. to identify skills gaps and occupations that are in high demand.
    • Identify possible future talent shortages and challenges and why they are expected to arise. Describe methods your regions can undertake today to remedy future demand shortages.
    • Compare and contrast the reasons for various skills gaps (e.g. aging workforce, new technology, low wages)
  • Information Technology
    • Given a presentation, change the slide size and orientation to suit Letter-sized paper in portrait orientation.
    • Login to the client or participant database and navigate to a given client or participant record. Edit the record, save it, and close it.
    • Login to the client or participant database and create a new client or participant record. Save and close it.
    • Log into email software.
    • Develop a tiered file structure to store emails organized by intuitive topics.
    • Create an event in the email software’s calendar, add a location, conference call information, and invitees to the event.
    • Modify an existing event to update the location and send an update to meeting attendees.
    • Share access to your calendar with a colleague, choosing the appropriate privacy level.
    • Add a colleague’s calendar to your calendar once they have shared it with you.
    • Create a new contact.
    • Search for an existing contact, edit and save the contact record.
    • Create and apply a personalized signature for email. Set the signature to apply to all outgoing emails.
    • Open an existing document from a flash drive, perform appearance edits, and print the document, given required Font size, margin size, and page orientation.
    • Open an existing document from email and demonstrate the ability to edit the document. The required editing functions include: Font Size & styles, Bolding, Underlining, Italicizing, Highlighting, Text Color.
    • Open an existing document from email and demonstrate the ability to edit the document. The required editing functions include: Alignment and Centering, Indents, Spacing modifications, Cut, Copy, and Paste, Find and Replace
    • Open a given document and correct it using the grammar and spell-checking functions. Change highlighted words to their synonyms using the Thesaurus function.
    • Open a document to review the document for grammatical and data checks. Turn on the track changes feature and add comments to suggest changes.
    • Open a document and insert a picture from another location on the computer.
    • Construct a table of 5 columns and 3 rows and apply borders to the entire table. Format the table to have a header row.
    • Given a set of data, create a table, and sort it by alphabetical order of the first column.
    • Insert shapes on a document to create functional diagrams (given a hand-sketched drawing).
    • Repair a broken “link,” resulting from moving a referenced cell’s location.
    • Given a spreadsheet containing raw data, create a table to display it, and calculate and display a set of summary statistics using average, add, subtract, multiplication, and division functions.
    • Given a set of raw data, utilize the following cell formatting functions to create a visually attractive table: cell alignment, borders, cell color, text formatting, wrap text, titles, headers, and footers.
    • Given a spreadsheet containing some text, format the cells and set the print area to fit on one page, use page set-up to center the content on the page, and save it as a print-ready PDF.
    • Given a set of raw data, summarize it using a table, then create a chart to display the data, paying attention to select the chart type that best fits the data.
    • Given a spreadsheet of raw data, construct a summary sheet on a new tab by using filters and sorting.
    • Given a sample presentation, edit for grammar and spelling, display the presentation in full screen.
    • Open a new presentation and save it. Apply a new theme and color set. Import a table or picture from another file.
    • Given three studies on a given topic, determine if they are reputable and identify the sources of information cited in each.
    • Given five websites with information on a defined technical subject area, rank them in order of validity (from most reliable to least reliable).
    • Disable an add-on from your browser.
    • Given a presentation containing notes, save a PDF of the presentation where each slide is displayed next to its notes.
    • Given a printer model, add it to the computer’s available “Printers and Scanners”.
    • Use the system’s file explorer to find a file. Copy it and paste it in a new location.
    • Add a new bookmark to the bookmarks bar.
    • Use the system’s file explorer to find a folder. Rename it and move it to a different location.
    • Create a new folder and move it inside of another folder.
    • Open an existing PDF file and save it under a new name in an new location.
    • Change the password to log into the computer.
    • Open a PDF file and print it. If it is a non-standard size, scale it to fit on letter sized paper.
    • Login to Wordpress and navigate to a particular page in the back-end. Make text edits and save the updates.
    • Export a PDF to a JPEG file.
    • Add a photograph and text to the main body of a given page, and format the text to wrap around the image.
    • Hyperlink an image to a given website URL.
    • Change the order of tabs that appear at the top of the website.
    • Create a new website page and nest it under an existing tab on the website's menu.
    • Create a new task and assign it to an appropriate team member.
    • Add a thumbnail to a page, then link a download-able PDF to the thumbnail.
    • Open a Basecamp project and begin a new project discussion.
    • Open a Basecamp project and navigate to an existing discussion thread. Add a comment to the thread including an attachment.
    • Update your Basecamp settings to receive notifications only a specific project (rather than all projects), and adjust settings to receive activity summaries every couple of hours rather than in real time.
    • Create a new Basecamp project and develop a related to-do list and assign each task to team members, including due dates.
    • Open an existing Basecamp project and implement calendar notifications/reminders for contact follow-up
    • Add a new contact manually (or use business card scanner), and ensure accuracy of information. Assign the contact to the appropriate contact genre’s automated list.
    • Given an existing event flyer, modify it to include a picture, and adjust the language to reflect new meeting details.
    • Open an existing event campaign and create an email to all registrants including the event agenda as an attachment. Schedule the email to be sent sometime in the future.
    • Add multiple contacts using an Excel file upload.
    • Describe the difference between event campaigns and email campaigns.
    • Open an existing event campaign and add registrants manually.
    • Open an existing event campaign and modify event details, including time and location.
    • Log into Highrise, and navigate to a specific contact record.
    • Given a specific topic, search the internet for three reputable studies on the topic. Download and save the studies as PDFs.
    • Post a job opportunity on a given online job board to attract potential candidates.
    • Create a file backup using a cloud-based file storage service.
    • Given two PDFs with the same cover page, merge the two PDFs into one document, removing the second cover page.
    • Create a new blog post and post it to the website. Apply a relvant image to be the Featured Image, and add tags to the post for searchability.
    • Add an event to the website and assign a relevant Featured Image.
    • Open an existing Basecamp project and add important dates, meeting preparation, conferences, meetings, and presentations to the calendar. Coordinate with appropriate team members to ensure that they are aware of relevant events or due dates.
    • Design a promotional flyer promoting a sponsored event adhering to the WIN Style Guide. Include all details needed for potential attendees.
    • Design two versions of a specific promotional flyer, each targeted to a different audience. Adhere to the WIN Style Guide.
    • Develop a new event campaign. Include your contact information, details regarding the event, attendance notifications, etc. Send a test version of the email to coworkers for their edits / review.
    • Create a Dropbox account, and access the WIN staff Dropbox account.
    • Sync Dropbox with your computer and use Windows Explorer (or Mac Finder) to access Dropbox files.
    • Use Dropbox to store all work-related files, sharing folders with appropriate team members as necessary.
    • Add a new contact, including all contact information and employer information.
    • Open an existing Case and add a note to the case and an attachment to it. Select a couple of team members to receive email notification of the update.
    • Find the open rate and click rate for a campaign that has been sent.
    • Open the reporting tab and identify the campaign from the last six months that has the highest click rate, and the one that has the highest open rate.
    • If needed due to computer storage capacity, enable Dropbox Smart Sync to maintain synced versions of only selected folders and files.
    • Adhere to WIN archiving and deleting policy for old and unnecessary files.
    • Enter Highrise, search for all upcoming tasks assigned to you, and indicate that several of them are complete.
    • Create a new case and make it accessible to a select few team members.
    • Successfully import a set of contacts using an Excel or CSV file.
    • Schedule the list to be emailed to be distributed the following Monday morning at 10 am. In addition, schedule a reminder email to be distributed 5 business days before the event.
    • Create a new task and assign it to an appropriate team member. Make the task visible to all team members.
  • Communication
    • Forward relevant news articles, blog posts, etc. to WIN's Director of Communitcation for potential inclusion in WIN Newsletters and social media posts.
    • Create a LinkedIn profile.
    • Attend networking events to learn about needs of employers in a particular region or industry.
    • Coordinate and facilitate meetings of employers to discuss needs and solutions.
    • List several industries facing talent challenges, describe the nature and causes of the challenges, and describe potential solutions to them.
    • Communicate and coordinate with other WIN team members to enroll new businesses into appropriate WIN initiatives.
    • Develop and clearly document a strategic employer outreach plan including business contacts for outreach and follow-up.
    • Create targeted outreach lists and track progress against the employer outreach plan.
    • Successfully identify an employer's "pain points." Based on their specifc pain points, explain how WIN talent initiatives (MIBF, apprenticeship, etc.) can help to relieve their challenges.
    • Develop and document comprehensive "sales" strategies (including scripts, if appropriate) that address various employer concerns and needs. Account for different types of employer challenges, size of workforce, location, etc.
    • Provide customized information to employers on the local job market based on WIN data. Account for the employer's specific industry, location, and talent needs (if known).
    • Maintain consistent communication with community partners to ensure effective collaboration and alignment between agencies working in similar geographies to address employer talent issues.
    • Obtain and present information about employment opportunities, salary, and changing labor markets and to youth. Ensure that the information is customized to the audience's geography and industry(ies) of interest if known.
    • Use email or a calendar tool (e.g. Doodle Calendar) to select an appropriate date and time for a meeting based on participant availability.
    • Select and secure a meeting location for a given meeting based on participant location, availability, room setup, A/V capability, etc.
    • Send meeting invitations to participants including all meeting information, location details, directions and parking information. If relevant, include an agenda and any additional attachments that participants need to prepare for the event.
    • Develop a draft agenda for a given meeting or event, and share it with colleagues for their review and approval as necessary.
    • For a planned meeting, arrange for food and / or refreshments to be available for participants as necessary. If required, order refreshments in advance, and coordinate their on-time delivery to the event location.
    • Facilitate meetings with multiple participants and use meeting facilitation techniques to ensure that participants are engaged.
    • Describe several meeting facilitation techniques to promote participant engagement.
    • Describe the role of facilitator in a meeting and describe several guidelines for facilitator conduct.
    • After your coordinated meeting or event has occurred, send follow up information to participants via email. Include meeting materials or presentations when appropriate.
    • When needed, contact potential speakers and panelists for events and secure speaking commitments.
    • List detailed and relevant work experience in your LinkedIn profile to provide a complete picture of your professional history and capabilities as a reflection of WIN.
    • Search for existing partners on LinkedIn and add them as connections in your LinkedIn network.
    • Update your LinkedIn profile by changing your profile picture, adding a headline, and adding summary information about your skills and interests.
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Taylor, MI (48180)
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