Digital Marketer

ONET: 13-1161.01






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Certificate
  • Hootsuite Social Marketing Certification
  • UC Davis - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialization
On-the-job training
  • Competencies
    • Implement advertising or marketing initiatives.
    • Participate in the development or implementation of online marketing strategy.
    • Communicate and collaborate with merchants, Webmasters, bloggers, or online editors to strategically place hyperlinks.
    • Conduct online marketing initiatives, such as paid ad placement, affiliate programs, sponsorship programs, email promotions, or viral marketing campaigns on social media Web sites.
    • Create content strategies for digital media.
    • Execute and manage communications with digital journalists or bloggers.
    • Execute or manage banner, video, or other non-text link ad campaigns.
    • Execute or manage social media campaigns to inform search marketing tactics.
    • Purchase or negotiate placement of listings in local search engines, directories, or digital mapping technologies.
    • Collaborate with others to develop or implement marketing strategies.
    • Propose online or multiple-sales-channel campaigns to marketing executives.
    • Collaborate with other marketing staff to integrate and complement marketing strategies across multiple sales channels.
    • Collaborate with Web, multimedia, or art design staffs to create multimedia Web sites or other internet content that conforms to brand and company visual format.
    • Manage tracking and reporting of search- related activities and provide analyses to marketing executives.
    • Design websites or web applications.
    • Develop transactional Web applications, using Web programming software and knowledge of programming languages, such as hypertext markup language (HTML) and extensible markup language (XML).
    • Assist in setting up or optimizing analytics tools for tracking visitors&apos behaviors.
    • Coordinate with developers to optimize Web site architecture, server configuration, or page construction for search engine consumption and optimal visibility.
    • Improve search-related activities through ongoing analysis, experimentation, or optimization tests, using A/B or multivariate methods.
    • Optimize digital assets, such as text, graphics, or multimedia assets, for search engine optimization (SEO) or for display and usability on internet-connected devices.
    • Optimize shopping cart experience or Web site conversion rates against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
    • Analyze website or related online data to track trends or usage.
    • Optimize Web site exposure by analyzing search engine patterns to direct online placement of keywords or other content.
    • Collect and analyze Web metrics, such as visits, time on site, page views per visit, transaction volume and revenue, traffic mix, click-through rates, conversion rates, cost per acquisition, or cost per click.
    • Combine secondary data sources with keyword research to more accurately profile and satisfy user intent.
    • Coordinate project activities with other personnel or departments.
    • Coordinate sales or other promotional strategies with merchandising, operations, or inventory control staff to ensure product catalogs are current, accurate, and organized for best findability against user intent.
    • Develop performance metrics or standards related to information technology.
    • Identify appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and report key metrics from digital campaigns.
    • Analyze market or customer related data.
    • Conduct market research analysis to identify search query trends, real-time search and news media activity, popular social media topics, electronic commerce trends, market opportunities, or competitor performance.
    • Evaluate utility of software or hardware technologies.
    • Identify, evaluate, or procure hardware or software for implementing online marketing campaigns
    • Evaluate new emerging media or technologies and make recommendations for their application within Internet marketing or search marketing campaigns.
    • Recommend changes to improve computer or information systems.
    • Provide customer service to clients or users.
    • Resolve product availability problems in collaboration with customer service staff.
    • Implement online customer service processes to ensure positive and consistent user experiences.
    • Maintain the inventory of equipment.
    • Identify, evaluate, or procure hardware or software for implementing online marketing campaigns.
    • Update knowledge about emerging industry or technology trends.
    • Keep abreast of government regulations and emerging Web technology to ensure regulatory compliance by reviewing current literature, talking with colleagues, participating in educational programs, attending meetings or workshops, or participating in professional organizations or conferences.
    • Coordinate resource procurement activities.
    • Assist in the evaluation or negotiation of contracts with vendors or online partners.
    • Write computer programming code.
    • Design computer modeling or simulation programs.
    • Conduct financial modeling for online marketing programs or Web site revenue forecasting.
    • Develop specifications or procedures for website development or maintenance.
    • Identify and develop commercial or technical specifications, such as usability, pricing, checkout, or data security, to promote transactional internet-enabled commerce functionality.
    • Collaborate with others to determine design specifications or details.
    • Define product requirements, based on market research analysis, in collaboration with user interface design and engineering staff.
    • Prepare graphics or other visual representations of information.
    • Prepare electronic commerce designs or prototypes, such as storyboards, mock- ups, or other content, using graphics design software.
    • Develop computer or information security policies or procedures.
    • Assist in the development of online transaction or security policies.
    • Develop guidelines for system implementation.
    • Identify methods for interfacing Web application technologies with enterprise resource planning or other system software.
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