CVS Health Pharmacy Technician I

ONET: 29-2052.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Pharmacy Systems I (PHT 060)
  • Pharmacology I (PHT 062)
  • Pharmacology II (PHT 071)
  • Pharmacy Seminar (PHT 074)
  • Pharmacy Calculations (PHT 064)
  • Pharmacy Systems II (PHT 070)
  • Pharmacy Clinical Experience (PHT 072)
On-the-job training
  • Compliance & New Hire/Clerk Rx Training
    • Understand the culture at CVS -how we do things and what’s important to us- as well as CVS's Service Standards - what excellent service looks like and how to deliver it
    • Understand key responsibilities of CVS Health colleagues and provides appropriate guidance for colleagues looking for the right solutions to ethical questions or issues
    • Social Media Guidelines: After completing this course, you will be able to follow guidelines when using social media as a colleague of CVS Health
    • Understand company policies, procedures and resources
    • Comply with the CVS Health Attendance Policy
    • Recognizing and Preventing Workplace Violence: -Define workplace violence, -Recognize behaviors of concern, -Identify the five steps to respond to violent events, -Utilize store culture as a tool to reduce workplace violence, -List available options to report violent incidents or report a behavior
    • Be compliant with laws regarding: -Minor employee work restrictions, - Americans with Disabilities Act, -Sale of age restricted products and money orders/money grams, -HIPAA (non-pharmacy employees), -Third Party billing
    • Understand the value and benefits of the Extra Care Program, including how to properly convey the benefits of the program to the customer
    • Med C and D General Compliance Training: -Recognize how a compliance program operates, -Recognize how compliance program violations should be reported
    • Process basic register transactions and how to provide good customer service at the checkout
    • Understand the procedures for processing customer refunds and the customer skills involved in successfully managing these more complex transactions
    • Information Security and Confidentiality Training: -Define the different types of confidential information in your workplace, -Understand why it is important to protect confidential information, -Be familiar with the best practices on safeguarding confidential information, -Be knowledgeable on additional security measures you can take to protect confidential information, -Understand your responsibilities related to the privacy and security of confidential information
    • Preventing Money Laundering: Pharmacy Version: -Define money laundering, -Identify and know where to communicate suspicious activity, including fraud, -Comply with company policy and limits surrounding prepaid products
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training: -Policies and requirements regarding controlled substances, -The importance of verifying that each prescription is valid, -Ways to identify forged and altered prescriptions, -Dispensing guidelines for narcotic drugs, -Recordkeeping requirements for controlled substances, -Diversion and diversion trends, -How to report thefts and losses of controlled substances
  • Diversity
    • Unconscious Bias: -Be aware of bias and help screen out negative thought processes and stereotypes, -Understand how body language, tone, and cadence have the biggest impact on how our messages are received, -See more of the real world around us by being open to new people and experiences, -Make decisions that are based on a person's merit-relevant qualities and not their merit irrelevant qualities, -Treat people more fairly through teamwork, respect, and inclusion
    • Diversity, Inclusion & You: -Understand both diversity awareness and inclusive practices, including intent versus impact, -Be aware of the impact of unconscious biases and micro-messages, -Know how the business case for diversity and inclusion affect the company’s bottom line, -Understand related laws
  • Pharmacy Basics
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Describe how the CVS/pharmacy workflow helps to ensure exceptional customer service and patient safety
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Explain the roles and responsibilities of each of the five workstations
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Identify the tools that you will use to manage the workflow
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Define how quality assurance is woven into each step in the prescription filling process
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Describe the queues used to manage the workflow
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Log on to the RxConnect System and obtain User Credentials
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Navigate the RxConnect System
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Use the information provided on the patient header and profile to process prescriptions
    • Introduction to Pharmacy - Complete the steps to reprint a prescription label
    • Corporate Integrity Agreement – Covered Person Training - Describe the Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA)
    • Corporate Integrity Agreement – Covered Person Training - Identify the components of the CVS Caremark Compliance and Integrity Program
    • Corporate Integrity Agreement – Covered Person Training - Discuss how our Code of Conduct standards should be applied in your everyday interactions
    • Corporate Integrity Agreement – Covered Person Training - Explain the penalties and fines for non-compliance
    • Medicare Part D – Fraud Waste and Abuse - Know what the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit is
    • Medicare Part D – Fraud Waste and Abuse - Describe the laws and regulations governing the benefit
    • Medicare Part D – Fraud Waste and Abuse - Understand the areas that are at risk for fraud, waste, and abuse
    • Medicare Part D – Fraud Waste and Abuse - Recognize your responsibility to report potential FWA
    • Medicare Part D – Fraud Waste and Abuse - List organization and contact information
    • Pharmacy Basics Workbook - Describe key information of medication stock bottle
    • Pharmacy Basics Workbook - Identify various types of medication dosage forms
    • Pharmacy Basics Workbook - Recognize the elements of prescription labels
    • Pharmacy Basics Workbook - Recognize medication schedules
    • Pharmacy Basics Workbook - Complete Action Notes correctly
    • Pharmacy Basics Workbook - Identify communication vehicles used in the pharmacy
    • Foundations of Pharmacy - Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge taught in previous Pharmacy Basic courses
    • Foundations of Pharmacy - Demonstrate positive and effective communication skills
    • Foundations of Pharmacy - Demonstrate extraordinary customer service techniques
    • Foundations of Pharmacy - Identify and apply quality and safety procedures
  • Pick-up
    • Introduction to Pick-up - Identify the steps involved in the pick-up interaction
    • Introduction to Pick-up - Explain where prescriptions are stored and the steps to take when you cannot locate a prescription
    • Introduction to Pick-up - Describe the procedures used when customers pick-up refrigerated or reconstituted products
    • Introduction to Pick-up - Recognize and explain the importance of ensuring a positive interaction at Pick-up
    • Introduction to Pick-up - Complete the steps to check a prescription’s current status
    • Foundations of Pick-up - Demonstrate the steps in the Pick-up interaction and make the Offer to Counsel
    • Foundations of Pick-up - Determine which customer questions you can address and which you need to refer to a Pharmacist
    • Foundations of Pick-up - Address problems when dealing with difficult customers questions
    • Foundations of Pick-up - Locate over-the-counter (OTC) items
    • Foundations of Pick-up - Effectively assist customers who are waiting for prescriptions
    • Foundations of Pick-up - Identify the procedure for handling restricted products
    • Pick-up on-the-job learning - Perform the Pick-up procedures according to CVS standards
    • Respond appropriately to customer requests
    • Perform basic maintenance tasks at the Pick-up workstation
    • Provide exceptional customer service to customers at the Pick-up workstation
  • Drive-Thru
    • Introduction to Drive-thru - Assist a customer who is picking up a prescription order at Drive-thru
    • Accept new prescription at Drive-thru
    • Accept refill prescription at Drive-thru
  • Production
    • Introduction to Production - Identify the steps involved in Production
    • Introduction to Production - Explain how quality and safety are embedded into each step at Production
    • Introduction to Production - Process a prescription through Production
    • Introduction to Production - Process a prescription refill
    • Introduction to Production - Complete the steps to calculate drug price
    • Foundations of Production - Demonstrate a understanding of the Production workflow and why each step is important
    • Foundations of Production - Demonstrate counting best practices, including working with penicillin and sulfa products
    • Foundations of Production - Demonstrate proper labeling and prescription assembly tasks
    • Foundations of Production - Recognize reconstitutables and demonstrate an awareness of basic preparations
    • Foundations of Production - Complete electronic action notes to ensure proper and complete information is conveyed to customers
    • Foundations of Production - Provide exceptional service skills when assisting customers on the telephone
    • ScriptPro Overview for New Hires - Differentiate between Specialist and General user job responsibilities
    • ScriptPro Overview for New Hires - Recognize the purpose and general uses of ScriptPro
    • ScriptPro Overview for New Hires - Demonstrate ability to locate and interpret data on ScriptPro software
    • ScriptPro Overview for New Hires - Verify automatically dispensed prescriptions using ScriptPro
    • ScriptPro Overview for New Hires - Perform manual robot operations
    • ScriptPro Overview for New Hires - Process exceptions from the Pending Work List
    • ScriptPro Overview for New Hires - Perform basic maintenance tasks with the ScriptPro robot
    • Production on-the-job learning - Perform the production procedures according to CVS standards
    • Production on-the-job learning - Satisfy customer refill requests
    • Production on-the-job learning - Respond to customer questions or refer as appropriate
    • Production on-the-job learning - Perform basic maintenance tasks at the production workstation
    • Production on-the-job learning - Provide exceptional customer service to customers on the telephone while at the production workstation
  • Inventory Management
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Identify inventory management processes at CVS/pharmacy
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Identify the tools and resources available to support pharmacy staff in completing inventory management tasks
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Explain how inventory management practices contribute to order accuracy and patient satisfaction
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Describe how daily Cycle Counting contributes to improved accuracy of Balance on Hand (BOH)
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Identify methods of preparing the pharmacy for Out of Stock scans
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Identify tasks that are included as part of label maintenance
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Describe the process of reviewing a Warehouse order
    • Introduction to Inventory Management - Describe the process of reviewing and completing an Outside Vender order
    • Foundations of Inventory Management - Explain key inventory management terms and processes as described in the Introduction to Inventory Management web-based course
    • Foundations of Inventory Management - Differentiate between System Generated and Store Initiated Cycle Counts
    • Foundations of Inventory Management - Recognize when there is a need for a Store Initiated Cycle Count
    • Foundations of Inventory Management - Describe the processes involved in preparing the pharmacy for an Out of Stock Scan
    • Foundations of Inventory Management - Analyze order reports for both Warehouse and Outside Vendor (OV) orders
    • Foundations of Inventory Management - Identify reasons to modify Balance on Order (BOO) for both Warehouse and OV orders
    • Foundations of Inventory Management - Describe the process of checking in both Warehouse and OV deliveries
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Complete a Cycle Count
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Complete an Out of Stock Scan
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Review the AIMRx Order Detail report
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Complete an Outside Vendor order
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Receive a CVS Warehouse deliver
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Receive an Outside Vendor delivery
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Receive a Drop Shipment
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Process the new items report
    • Inventory Management on-the-job learning and Outside Vendor Orders - Practice - Process the discontinued items report
  • Drop-Off
    • Introduction to Drop-off - Accept a new prescription at Drop-off
    • Introduction to Drop-off - Accept a refill prescription at Drop-off
    • Introduction to Drop-off - Add a patient in the RxConnect system
    • Introduction to Drop-off - Edit a patient’s information in the RxConnect system
    • Introduction to Drop-off - Effectively manage prescription requests in the RxConnect system
    • Third Party Plans and Cards - Recognize Third Party Plans
    • Third Party Plans and Cards - Identify the basics of billing federal/state funded Third Party Plans
    • Third Party Plans and Cards - Recognize the components of Third Party Cards
    • Medicare Part B - Understand the basics of Medicare B
    • Medicare Part B - Know the expectations of CVS as a Medicare Provider
    • Medicare Part B - Understand the expectations of you, as an employee, in processing Medicare claims
    • Medicare Part B - Identify available references
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Explain the responsibilities of the Drop-off Workstation
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Demonstrate the steps in the Drop-off interaction
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Identify tasks in the Drop-off interaction that ensure quality and safety
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Know the components of a valid prescription
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Convert equivalent measurements for inhalers, ear and eye drops, insulin, and liquids
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Discuss the regulations that affect controlled substances
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Identify and process compound prescriptions
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Review the Customer Service Initiative (CSI) and how it benefits our patients
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Know the benefits of flavoring medications for our patients and how to promote
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Identify common types of Third Party rejections and the correct action to take to resolve the rejection
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Resolve Third Party rejections while communicating with customers
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Recognize unique Third Party Plans, such as Medicaid, Medicare Parts B and D, and know the requirements for processing claims through these plans
    • Foundations of Drop-off - Perform Drop-off Best Practices
    • Advanced Drop-off - Complete data entry for new prescriptions
    • Advanced Drop-off - Scan a prescription hardcopy
    • Advanced Drop-off - Process prescriptions with insufficient inventory
    • Advanced Drop-off - Edit a prescription
    • Advanced Drop-off - Delete, inactivate, and place prescriptions on hold
    • Advanced Drop-off - Maintain patient allergy information in the pharmacy computer system
    • Advanced Drop-off - Interpret prescriptions and quantity dispensed, including Dispense as Written (DAW) codes
    • Advanced Drop-off - Know what Coordination of Benefits is and how to apply it in the pharmacy
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training - Policies and requirements regarding controlled substances
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training - The importance of verifying that each prescription is valid
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training - Ways to identify forged and altered prescriptions
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training - Dispensing guidelines for narcotic drugs
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training - Recordkeeping requirements for controlled substances
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training - Diversion and diversion trends
    • DEA and Pharmacy Regulatory Training - How to report thefts and losses of controlled substances
    • Drop-off on-the-job learning - Perform the Drop-off procedures according to CVS standards
    • Drop-off on-the-job learning -Respond appropriately to customer requests
    • Drop-off on-the-job learning -Perform basic maintenance tasks at the Drop-off workstation
    • Drop-off on-the-job learning -Provide exceptional customer service to customers at the Drop-off workstation
  • Inventory Management Advanced
    • Waiting Bin Maintenance - Complete daily Return to Stock (RTS)
    • Waiting Bin Maintenance - Complete monthly Waiting Bin Physical Inventory
    • Advanced Inventory Management - Perform Overstock Returns
    • Advanced Inventory Management - Perform Capital returns (outdates, damages and recalls)
    • Advanced Inventory Management - Perform Inter-store Medication Transfer
    • ScriptPro Procedures for Specialists - Recognize the importance of the Specialist responsibilities
    • ScriptPro Procedures for Specialists - Identify location of ScriptPro door keys and restrict access to Specialists only
    • ScriptPro Procedures for Specialists - Maintain accurate level of operator credentials for all pharmacy staff in ScriptPro
    • ScriptPro Procedures for Specialists - Identify replenishment and RTS procedures that only a Specialists is authorized to perform
    • ScriptPro Procedures for Specialists - Maintain cells and various hardware components within ScriptPro cabinet
    • Advanced Inventory Management on-the-job learning - Process non-saleable returns monthly
    • Advanced Inventory Management on-the-job learning - Use the No Sales Movement Report to identify and process Warehouse returns
    • Advanced Inventory Management on-the-job learning - Access the Inventory Tracking Report
    • Advanced Inventory Management on-the-job learning - Complete all RTS procedures
    • Advanced Inventory Management on-the-job learning - Complete the Waiting Bin Physical Inventory
  • Advanced Patient Care Preparation
    • Opening an Effective Patient Care Conversation - Consider the patients point of view when initiating a conversation
    • Opening an Effective Patient Care Conversation - Proactively answer some of a patient’s asked questions
    • Opening an Effective Patient Care Conversation - Effectively open a conversation
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