
ONET: 51-7011.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Introduction to Woodworking
  • Furniture Design History and Construction
  • Advanced Cabinetry Design
  • Industrial Wood 3 (for Corona High students)
  • Industrial Wood 4
On-the-job training
  • Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
    • Verify dimensions or check the quality or fit of pieces to ensure adherence to specifications.
  • Assemble wood products.
    • Produce or assemble components of articles, such as store fixtures, office equipment, cabinets, or high-grade furniture.
    • Attach parts or subassemblies together to form completed units, using glue, dowels, nails, screws, or clamps.
    • Reinforce joints with nails or other fasteners to prepare articles for finishing.
  • Measure materials to mark reference points, cutting lines, or other indicators.
    • Measure and mark dimensions of parts on paper or lumber stock prior to cutting, following blueprints, to ensure a tight fit and quality product.
  • Operate woodworking equipment.
    • Establish the specifications of articles to be constructed or repaired or plan the methods or operations for shaping or assembling parts, based on blueprints, drawings, diagrams, or oral or written instructions.
  • Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
    • Establish the specifications of articles to be constructed or repaired or plan the methods or operations for shaping or assembling parts, based on blueprints, drawings, diagrams, or oral or written instructions.
  • Review blueprints or other instructions to determine operational methods or sequences.
    • Establish the specifications of articles to be constructed or repaired, or plan the methods or operations for shaping or assembling parts, based on blueprints, drawings, diagrams, or oral or written instructions.
  • Estimate costs of products, services, or materials.
    • Estimate the amounts, types, or costs of needed materials.
  • Estimate material requirements for production.
    • Estimate the amounts, types, or costs of needed materials.
  • Trim excess material from workpieces.
    • Trim, sand, or scrape surfaces or joints to prepare articles for finishing.
    • Cut timber to the right size, and shape and trim parts of joints to ensure a snug fit, using hand tools, such as planes, chisels, or wood files.
  • Attach decorative or functional accessories to products.
    • Install hardware, such as hinges, handles, catches, or drawer pulls, using hand tools.
  • Compare physical characteristics of materials or products to specifications or standards.
    • Match materials for color, grain, or texture, giving attention to knots or other features of the wood.
  • Cut industrial materials in preparation for fabrication or processing.
    • Cut timber to the right size, and shape and trim parts of joints to ensure a snug fit, using hand tools, such as planes, chisels, or wood files.
  • Shape surfaces or edges of wood workpieces.
    • Perform final touch-ups with sandpaper or steel wool.
  • Drill holes in parts, equipment, or materials.
    • Bore holes for insertion of screws or dowels, by hand or using boring machines.
  • Apply protective or decorative finishes to workpieces or products.
    • Dip, brush, or spray assembled articles with protective or decorative finishes, such as stain, varnish, paint, or lacquer.
    • Apply Masonite, formica, or vinyl surfacing materials.
  • Repair furniture or upholstery.
    • Repair or alter wooden furniture, cabinetry, fixtures, paneling, or other pieces.
  • Confer with customers or designers to determine order specifications.
    • Draw up detailed specifications and discuss projects with customers.
  • Design furniture.
    • Design furniture, using computer-aided drawing programs.
  • Operate computers or computerized equipment.
    • Design furniture, using computer-aided drawing programs.
  • Program equipment to perform production tasks.
    • Program computers to operate machinery.
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