Machine Safety & Performance Standard - Calculate dimensions or tolerances, using instruments such as micrometers or vernier calipers.
Machine Safety & Performance Standard - Machine parts to specifications, using machine tools, such as lathes, milling machines, shapers, or grinders.
Machine Safety & Performance Standard - Set up adjust or operate basic or specialized machine tools used to perform precision machining operations.
Machine Safety & Performance Standard - Align and secure holding fixtures, cutting tools, attachments, accessories, or materials onto machines.
Machine Safety & Performance Standard - Measure, examine, or test completed units to check for defects and ensure conformance to specifications, using precision instruments, such as micrometers.
Machine Safety Procedures And Requirements - Dispose of scrap or waste material in accordance with company policies and environmental regulations
Machine Safety Procedures And Requirements - Separate scrap or waste and related materials for reuse, recycling or disposal.
Machine Safety Procedures And Requirements - Carry out assigned responsibilities while adhering to safe practices in accordance with OSHA requirements and guidelines. Document safety activities as required, include appropriate personal protective equipmen
Machine Safety Procedures And Requirements - Monitor the feed and speed of machines during the machining process.
Machine Safety Procedures And Requirements - Maintain machine tools in proper operational condition.
Process Control - Study sample parts, blueprints, drawings or engineering information to determine methods or sequences of operation needed to fabricate products.
Process Control - Operate equipment to verify operational efficiency.
Process Control - Check work pieces to ensure that they are properly lubricated or cooled.
Process Control - Program computers or electronic instruments, such as numerically controlled machine tools.
Process Control - Diagnose machine tool malfunctions to determine need for adjustments or repairs
Performance Standards - Confer with engineering, supervisory, or manufacturing personnel to exchange technical information.
Performance Standards - Lay out, measure and mark metal stock to display placement of cuts.
Performance Standards - Fit and assemble parts to make or repair machine tools.
Performance Standards - Evaluate machining procedures and recommend changes or modifications for improved efficiency or adaptability.
Performance Standards - Dismantle machines or equipment, using hand tools or power tools to examine parts for defects and replace defective parts were needed.
Production Performance - Install repaired parts into equipment or install new equipment.
Production Performance - Design fixtures, tooling, or experimental parts to meet special engineering needs.
Production Performance - Confer with numerical control programmers to check and ensure that new programs or machinery will function properly and that output will meet specifications.
Production Performance - Support metalworking projects from planning and fabrication through assembly, inspection, and testing, using knowledge of machine functions, metal properties and mathematics.
Production Performance - Establish work procedures for fabricating new structural products, using a variety of metalworking machines.
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